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Lore behind Magic


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I'm always interested in the lore behind magic in fantasy and I feel it is quite often neglected or has a series of hopelessly conflicting aspects. A particularly good series of books I would recommend to anyone who likes fantasy novels is 'The Black Magician' trilogy by Trudi Canavan. In this those who are magical are born with a magical power source within them. Each magician is born with a ball of power inside the physche and this is how much magical power they have (unless they turn to dark magic - read the book). There magical power acts as a source of energy that can be transferred to any of the normal forms (light, heat, sound etc..) and this source becomes depleted and must be replenished by rest.

I was wondering if there was real information on the lore of magic in TES or if not, how you had imagined magic working in the world of TES.

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