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Archery is sorely lacking the ability to target limbs, or aim for the head or toes with some support if you just feel like playing casually, my idea, is to have it that you can enter this mode (Hey i found vats in "Their" ini settings when exported using saveini command.


I laughed, smiled and thought to myself how needed it was in skyrim for archers, imagine if we could handicap enemies, by targeting there legs, preventing them from having the option to run away, or target there head for a head shot kill, or their arm to force a two handed disarm, and only allow them to use 1 armed attacks, or target the wing of a dragon and prevent the sucker from being able to fly away...or its damned tail from death blowing me at 100% hp..(i was on Master diff but hey)... etc This could also allow us to target multiple foes and finish them off...


Where is my Vanity Cam for a Kill shot with a bow.. I like the emergent gameplay of Skyrim, but the option to have this would be awesome.

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Archery is sorely lacking the ability to target limbs, or aim for the head or toes with some support if you just feel like playing casually, my idea, is to have it that you can enter this mode (Hey i found vats in "Their" ini settings when exported using saveini command.


I laughed, smiled and thought to myself how needed it was in skyrim for archers, imagine if we could handicap enemies, by targeting there legs, preventing them from having the option to run away, or target there head for a head shot kill, or their arm to force a two handed disarm, and only allow them to use 1 armed attacks, or target the wing of a dragon and prevent the sucker from being able to fly away...or its damned tail from death blowing me at 100% hp..(i was on Master diff but hey)... etc This could also allow us to target multiple foes and finish them off...


Where is my Vanity Cam for a Kill shot with a bow.. I like the emergent gameplay of Skyrim, but the option to have this would be awesome.


i love the idea of this

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critical/kill animations for mages and archers would be awesome. So would the perk to fire two arrows at once. Reduced accuracy and more damage for close range. Perhaps a robin hood perk where you get option in vats to make the next arrow hit in the exact same spot as the previous arrow. Maybe an arcane archer perk where you can use your MP to infuse the current arrow with fire,ice, or electricity. The longer you hold the arrow back the more charge it gets until it uses up all your mp for an aoe shot that freezes, shocks, or burns a certain range of enemies around the target on impact. The more charge, the wider the area of effect.
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I like the arcane archer perk idea. That was one of the biggest things I wanted for Oblivion


How about a "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" style arrow-cam.


BTW, what is VATS? Location damage? Headshots doing more damage than arm strikes?

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would like it...but as a perk, and only allowed one shot at a time for precision (crippling/criticals) aiming. reason>reloading a bow shifts aim and the target moves, so any shots after the first would not hit their target. it's not like a firearm where you just squeeze the trigger and deal with recoil Edited by DeadSpace
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Tytanis's Ultimate Mod adds the ability to craft fire, shock, and frost arrows. They don't charge up and create AOE blasts or anything (which would be sick), but they do have spell effects on them. You equip them like any other arrows.


Of course, the mod also has a ton of other cool stuff, but some of it might be too much for certain players. I personally didn't download the mod.

Edited by Nubblecakes
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I would love some awesome criticals and kill moves for mages. VATS would be cool with your spell too. Especially if it were versatile, and changed the kill-move depending on what school/spell you used. Maybe some kind of Mortal Kombat fatality type thing, where you have a chance to use whatever spell you wanted on the enemy before they just died (Like when they're crouched down maybe?)


Like, Alteration spells could rip off an enemy's limb with telekinesis, or transmute an opponent's limbs to metal.


Conjuration spells could designate a "kill" command, or even designate a targeted hit for your minions in VATS. Bound weapons would do normal VATS attacks; but I'm thinking that if the spell were targeted, it should throw that weapon at that limb. (Bound Axe throws an axe at a bandit's arm, Bound Bow shoots a flurry of arrows at the target, etc)


Destruction would be targeted blows to the limbs, just like archery; But you could also have cinematic ranged finishers too: Hit the enemy with enough lightning-bolts to the knee, and you could finish him off with a cinematically placed lightning rune, directly under his feet. Blast your enemies with ice-spears, and you could rip their arms off with ice-spikes conjured from the ground.


Illusion, I'd presume, could be spells like Mayhem or Hysteria; If your opponent was low enough on health, you'd frighten them to death, or make their heads explode from madness. Not really too many ways to be creative with these. VATS could specify a target for enemies to flee from, rather than yourself as a default?


As for Restoration, I have no clue what you could do for VATS, or even a finisher if it had any; At least, not with the vanilla spells.

Edited by IxionInc
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