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Model streched out after reloading the game (raven again) (SOLVED)


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(It's solved, but read on)

Hello yet again!

Another problem with ravens.

I'll explain with pictures:

1. Looking a raven through scope:
Alive raven


2. Shooting a raven

Dead raven


3. Reloading the game at the same spot and looking at the same raven that was shot dead previously

Alive raven, but stretched model


4. When player gets close enough, raven suddenly corrects itself, flies off, but at certain distance, model gets even more stretched

Even more stretched raven


At first I thought it was my edited model was wrong, but it happens with vanilla raven as well.

EDIT: One solution came to me when I was writing this and it worked, but I'll post it nevertheless in case others encounters it.

Problem was my modified skeleton.
I didn't include bhkBlendController into the NiTransformControllers that each NiNode (that has Collision) has.

All you need to do is copy/paste any bhkBlendController from existing nodes with BlendCollision and add it to the "Next Controller" field of NiTransformController and then in newly added BlendController in the target field add the name of the NiNode where NiTransform is. Do that for each bone that has collision.

And that's it.

Hope it'll help.

My laziness was to blame thinking that bhkBlendController doesn't do anything. I was wrong. :tongue:

Edited by KiCHo666
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