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Sleep in Publick Occurences not working


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I downloaded mod #76252; where you can sleep in Piper's bed, but it doesn't work. At all levels of affinity; with or without Piper as a companion - same result - doesn't work. Doesn't matter. It just doesn't seem to work. I deleted it (using NMM) and re-installed it - same result.


And help would be appreciated, thanks.

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I don't know the mod, I haven't tried it or looked at it so I don't know anything more about it then you've told me but, do you have any other mods that change Piper or Publik Occurrences interior?


If so, try moving the the bed mod lower in your load order so it wins any conflict with the other mod.

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The only thing I have that changes Piper or her residence is the "True Reporter" clothing mod. It just gives her a different (not a replacer) outfit to wear - I wouldn't think a clothing mod is something that is a change to Piper. It's only active and in her inventory - she's not wearing it. The sleep mod is well after the clothing mod in load order.

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It would help if you post your mod list. You may have a mod that you didn't realize modifies the location in some way. Also I can't even find the mod you're talking about. A link to it would also be helpful. It's amazing how frequently users will post a thread about problems with a mod here instead of on the actual mod page and if you go to the actual mod page you'll find the solution already there for them.

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Here's the link: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17253/?


Looks like that d/l ID I posted was useless - sorry.


I don't know of any quick n easy way to post my mod list. It doesn't look like it'll copy/paste (I'm in NMM). Short of just manually keying all of the mods in a post - which would take forever.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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You can type "%LocalAppData%/Fallout4" into your file explorer to go to your plugins.txt file and copy/paste the text based list. Also please use the spoilers tag, especially if it's a long list. The spoilers tag is an option in the Special BBCode drop down list which is accessed from the 3rd icon from the left.

Edited to add, in what way is it not working? Can you not sleep in it at all or is it still showing up as owned even though the mod should have changed the ownership flag?

Edited by damanding
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It shows up with orange/red text saying it's an owned bed - thus, I can't sleep in it. As opposed to the text showing as green and allowing to sleep in it.


Still working on the plugins.txt file. The instructions you gave are above my computer skill level - sorry.

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Do you know how to browse files on your computer? That is the file explorer. It has an icon that looks like a paper file folder. At the top of that program is a bar, depending on what version of Windows you're using it may look something similar to this:.




In the bar where it says "This PC" you type in "%LocalAppData%/Fallout4" without the quotation marks and press enter. It will take you to a directory with your plugins.txt file. You can double click the file to open it, hopefully it will automatically open with Notepad, otherwise you may have to select Notepad from the applications list it will pop up. Once you have the file open in Notepad you can click the mouse anywhere in the text, it doesn't matter. Then press CTRL and A button at the same time. This will highlight all of the text. Then you press the CTRL and C button at the same time. This will copy the text to your computer's clipboard. Switch to this thread and press CTRL V to paste the contents into a quick reply (or the More Reply Options).

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Here we go:


# This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.
*JB - HmmWhatToWear.esm
*Doom Shotgun.esp
*Faster Revolvers.esp
*DX Commonwealth Mini Dresses.esp
*Evil Detective Outfit.esp
*MacDreamy v0.3.esp
*DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp
*DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp
*50 cal x0.75 to x1.25.esp
*Starlight Drive in Revamped.esp
*Less Minuteman Quests.esp
*JB - CasualTramp.esp
*JB - DomiRaider.esp
*JB - HighschoolHeaven.esp
JB - HWTW - BreakUndies.esp
*JB - HWTW - NPCImplement.esp
*JB - MilitaryMommy.esp
*JB - VaultLovely.esp
*No More Sanctuary Dead Dog and Raider.esp
The file of note is 4th from the bottom; "Sleepin.esp"
Edited by nxsilva
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You have a refreshingly short mod list which helps. I assume the mod is "Sleepin.esp". Honestly I don't see anything that should even remotely conflict with that mod. Plus it's already almost at the bottom of your load order so that even if there were a conflict that mod should win. I suppose it's possible that the cell didn't get reset with the mod install for some reason. I did notice there are two versions, it's possible the first version didn't work and you're still running the first version. But at this point I think you're going to have to talk to the mod author because I see no potentially conflicting issues and nothing on the mod comments to indicate a problem. The only thing I could think of would be one of your clothing or weapon mods leaving a magazine, item of clothing or something similar in the Publick Occurences cell. Any mod that changes that cell might potentially conflict. But such a simple conflict as that should be handled just fine by having the Sleepin.esp at the bottom of the list. So you could try moving it to the very bottom but other than that I'm stumped. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. If you do talk to the mod author you might point them to this thread so they can see your mod list also without having it clog up their comments page with a long list.

Edited by damanding
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