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Drakensang Adds


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Of course I can do that, but you are missing the point completely. I should not have to do that every time I visit the Nexus. And I have yet to see an ad like this one elsewhere.


BTW, what's wrong with my signature? lol


As for some other ads here on the Nexus, I just saw this one for "Call Of Roma" in the square slot on the right hand side of the page. Talk about inappropriate! Not that it bothers me personally, but some other folks might not like it. Not just that, wouldn't Nexus site users get in trouble for posting an image of this kind of suggestive nature in the public file share section and not the private section? Unless that rule has changed sometime recently - I haven't been on the Nexus for quite a while.




In the time it's taken you to write several posts complaining about something that's already been brought up you could have muted and unmuted your browser at least 100 times. As for your signature, if you are going to go beyond the regulation 8 lines of text the least you could do is use spoiler tags to shorten it and besides, there is a section in one's profile for sharing hardware specifications.


The Call Of Roma ad made me lol.


OK, look. This is turning into a silly forum battle of which I have no interest in, so I am leaving it at that.


And in the 2 years I have been a member of this site, I never knew there was an 8-line rule for signatures, so I will change it and I appologise for my ignorance of that. Thanks for letting me know.

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PLEASE Dark0ne remove this ad from your site. Any ad that automatically plays with loud sound is the worst ad possible. It's so intrusive and it makes you purely hate the ad. Please mail the ad company that you have and tell them not to use this ad. It's been here for several weeks now and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep going :(
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  • 6 months later...

I don't use adblock.

I do however put (advertisers and sometimes even websites) domains into my 'Restricted sites' list on IE when they start displaying annoying flash content. That prevents any javascript or flash from them loading. Stops tracking, advertisements that are not gif/jpg based, google analytics, malware, etc.


I used to have flash/javascript/etc outright disabled for all but 'trusted sites', That REALLY removes.. 99% of the annoyances of the internet. And most chances malware have.


Want to reach just about everyone using ad blockers? Put up a gif as the advertisement and host the picture local so that advertisement companies can't change it without you screening the image and so that domain blocks don't work.


I never thought I would say this, but I would love some of those nice old flashing/scrolling gif ads from the 1990's!

They where so nice.. And silent. Or at least I think they where silent, Quieter then the midi the 1990's webpage would be playing anyhow!


While I understand that 'Site owners have no control over the ads' I also understand that site owners pick what company they subscribe to ads from. If the company repeatedly displays ads that drive users away by annoying them excessively, its best for the site owners to (threaten to) leave said ad company and find a new one that screens its ads better.


If site owners themselves don't do anything, the advertisement companies will only get worse as they likely get paid MORE for displaying ads with sound/popups and/or they will invest less money in checking ads for sound/popups/malware. They clearly do not care about viewers complaining. Viewers are a dime a thousand to them.


If you do like I do and only filter those companies who display objectionable ads instead of using adblock outright, they will hopefully die off.. Or at least learn that ultra annoying ads are not the way to reach people.


Of course, Ultra annoying ads also are what drive most people to adblock in general, meaning those ads actually harm *all* advertisement companies. And hence advertisement revenue


In the end: Annoying ads WILL cost the nexus money. One way or another they will cause people to leave and/or block them and then there will be no revenue at all, even if you change advertisement companies.

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