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Any mods to Stop all combat?


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This mod may not appear like a relevant one, but I think it attempts to offer this functionality via mcm menu:


thank you! i knew i'd seen this mentioned in a recent mod. unfortunately don't think i can use RDO at this time. i'm midgame, and already have an earlier version of RDO (DFD) installed, and i think i'd have issues using both. tho i can't frekin ask because the mod author's removed the post section!

i'll never understand that. if u get too many stupid questions (Inevitable w/ any popular mod) why not just lock threads for awhile. then people can still search thru the posts for info. no reason to remove posts entirely!!

i know there were a couple discussions in RDO that i was reading, and they might've helped me with adding the mod now...but i won't know because i can't search the threads. gah!

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If any of the vanilla Calm effects don't work (like Elias555 suggested), you can try my mod 'Silver Tongue' which adds a Ceasefire ability (which doesn't quite live up to its name but still works). Click on the fourth image to the right in my signature. :3

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thanks Caer! it sounds good. i read this...


"but for some reason the Ceasefire effect on the followers keeps breaking when enemies remain hostile, even if it's fleeing animals (with SkyTEST) which was why I created Ceasefire in the first place. D: I'll keep looking into it."



haha i think it's Skytest critters that are giving me the problem too. last couple times i had the "stuck in fight", i eventually tracked down and killed the offender that was staying hostile, and it was a wolf one time, and skeever later.

it would be great to get a Retreat function tho. iirc Vilja or maybe Inigo have a Retreat, tho i've never used it. i never run!


cept from skeevers n wolves heh

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I just came up with a workaround but it may not be a good one. :3 I really hope SkyTEST will get updated in terms of animals fleeing. (Keep tracking SIlver Tongue, I guess, and hope that I come up with a solution, heh.)

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