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WIP Dogs of War, Rerturn of the Desert Rangers


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inspired by SomeGuys Bounty series, I'm working on my own western themed mod.


it ties into the no Gods and No masters quest, seeking Allies for the battle the Courier heads into Northern Nevada seeking a man named Gabriel Rodriguez who lives in a place called Devils Hill.


along the way he is drawn into Rescues, raids, posse's and making enemies of the 80's and a band of Desperado's led by a notorious gunman.


So far I have the new world space created set up two towns, one of them is Devils Hill, complete with custom building models. Its not finished by a long shot, I have several more models to build and texture, then lots of retouching and improving textures.










Just curious what you folks think of the idea?

Edited by JoKelly
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Thanks Magmameister, its been alot of work so far and alot more to go. I keep coming up with new building ideas LOL But I think I am going to cap it off before I have a huge sprawling city instead of a western style town LOL. I still have to finish the new town hall, the bank, two or three western style homes, touch up the New Canaanite church, texture the river boat and make several new clutter pieces like wooden barrels, hand pumps and a few other things. All that is the easy part the scripting is going to be a pain.

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Hahaha I feel you! The scripting is the worst part of any mod. Even though I've only scripted a few basic custom companion mods for my own use, the scripting is still a pain in the butt.


But yeah, try not to overdo your mod too much. Otherwise the scripting may get even worse XD

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Nice! Is there any chance you could also post a few in-game screenshots as well? I can see you posted a few from the GECK but I would also recommend testing in game too just so you can actually see the mod working in game. But then again I like to be thorough especially when it comes to big mods like this one. :P


So far I can see you've got a good world basis and I can see that you're building the world before adding in any NPCs. Either way I'm excited to see how this mod develops!

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I'll see what I can do about some in game screen shots here soon, I've been concentrating on getting the customs models, textures and world space set up first. I've got the story outlined, some of the NPC dialogue and encounters already written up, etc. The main quest area is almost finished, so in game testing is the next step to start fixing what ever problems show up in game.

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here you go a few in game shots.


the bridge heading into town



on the edge of town




the New Canaanite church




The upside is a spotted several places I need to touch up in game.

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the small River boat, or barge if you will is almost finished so I will have some screen shots to post from in game tonight or the next day or so. I'm having trouble with the Paddle wheeler, so it might be a while before I can get it in game.


I have been toying with the idea of making it ride able or at the very least the PC boards clicks on the activator, PC controls are disabled, the boat moves with the camera down the river and when it stops the PC is moved to the new location and controls are enabled again.


If I can get it to work it would be a great scene for one of the quests allowing the PC to see the countryside along the way and have a cinematic entrance to the new location. Might be more complicated than I think to LOL


A new location is almost finished and I will post some in game screen shots of it when I post the Boat pictures.

Edited by JoKelly
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