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WIP Dogs of War, Rerturn of the Desert Rangers


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Just a few comments about modding.


Never, EVER, assume that just getting a script correct will make something work right. LOL


I have been working for three days to get a battle set up. Just getting NPC's to fight is pretty easy, scripting it to happen in certain ways is not. Pretty much anything that is involved seems to be rejected. which might explain the fact that the few major battle's in FNV are nothing more than mass rushes and Waves of attackers being enabled one after another or I am, of course, doing something wrong in how I am going about setting it up.


If your a new modder, realize that your overall vision of how something should play out might be limited by the engine or by your lack of knowledge so do not get discouraged. And the larger and more complicated your mod concept is the more you will have to learn and the longer it will take to implement it.


Consider how long its taken for Project Brazil to or Frontier to be made and those are with teams working on them. It doesn't really matter how old the game you mod is, if you enjoy it and you really want to make that "Perfect mod" go for it. Just realize that no matter how much you know you will run across issues that you might not be able to resolve with out help and do not be surprised if you get "its not possible because of...." just ask questions and look for ways to go around the limitations.


If you ask for help on a forum and no one answers, try other sites for help. Don't give up. If life throws you a curve and you can't work on the mod for a while. Make notes, work out what packages might be needed, and work on scripts in your free time so when you can get back to the mod your not completely behind the eight ball.


realize that it might take months or even years to complete the "Perfect mod" and in the end others might not even like it. Make it for yourself, other's liking it is a benefit.


anyway, just a few thoughts. For those that celebrate the holiday, secular or religious, Have a Merry Christmas.

Edited by JoKelly
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Since I needed to take a break from Gecking for a couple of days, before I went blind, LOL. I decided to work on another part of the project.


Thanks to YANL I have a few meshs I needed for the Mod and since I was already messing with blender to export the Yanl's mesh's to .NIF I decided to work on a new mesh that I really want in game.




Meet Shorty Hickock, or what will become Shorty. The Second in charge of Lucius Cree's Outlaw gang.


I haven't decided on whether to give him a vest with stuff hanging on it, the upper body of combat armor or a shirt. He will end up with a gun belt and a few other old west flavored items on his armor.


its a mash up with a lot of changes of course.


old shorty, an ornery cuss used to be a bounty and big game hunter. Till one day he met a death claw who ripped his arm off . He was saved from being the main course by Lucius Cree and has been devoted to him every since.

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well insomnia can be productive at times. LOL Unable to sleep last night, I worked on some of the dialogue and thought I would share some of it with you.


Shorty dialogue-

No prisoners men, kill em all.


Cree wants that building intact. You can rape when its over.


I want him Dead! Deader than dead.


Bull take out those damn Droids.


Surrender and I promise to make your deaths quick




Mayor Quinn- you call that an incentive, Kiss my lilly white butt crap bag.


We have to hold or every woman and child in town will die.


Either help or get the hell out of the way Courier

For the Free Territories.


The last time I saw Bruener he was naked and running out of town with Loretta's Husband chasing him. havent seen him since so Carl might have caught him.


I'd take that deal faster than a Virgin drops her dress on prom night.

Gunslinger- Hey Shorty, you should have stayed dead.


Lucius, well the man is as dangerous as a Rad Rattler and as mean as Bear with a bad tooth.


You mean to tell me, you've been wandering the land for most of your life and you aint never been to Madame Wanda's. that woman can do things that will make your eyes pop out of your head.


Keep an eye out, Cree is probably around here somewhere.


Follow me!!!


Battle Born aint just a slogan Bitc*.



Magda (Raider Boss)


I am so going to love killing your worthless a$$

I hear a lot of talk, back it up!


Tyler quit butt snorkeling.


I swear I have bigger balls than all of you so called men, NOW fight!


You either fight or I feed you to the dogs!


Captian of the town Militia -


If we had bag pipes those a$$holes would be running for the hills to escape the sound.


Magda is one of their bosses, she's a mean one and makes a ghoul look all pretty like.

At least they aren’t using Death claws.


They Breached the East wall with a mini nuke and took out several buildings, where in the hell did they get those things

I would rather be butt raped by a gang of feral ghouls using sand paper condoms out on the salt flats of utah than put up with one more minute of listening to that woman (Magda) screech,




Random chatter before, during and after the battle.


Got one teach him to hide in an outhouse


Did you see that, his brains shot right out of his head and landed intact on the ground behind him.


This ones a twitcher Sarge.


Grenade out.


Bet you didn’t expect that butt wipe.


Fire in the Hole.


Cover me,


Holy s***, he blew up. I mean completely blew up. Bowman you got a piece of him in your hair man.


Guard 01- I can’t die, I got a date with Katie tomorrow night.

Guard 02- If you survive this I am going to kill you, I told you to stay away from my sister.

Guard 03- If you die can I date your mother?

Guard 02- Your both dead.

Gonzales (guard) Ooooh God I got shot in the butt. MEDIC

Medic – if you ask me to kiss it and make it better I swear I will shoot you myself.



Sarge- I swear Dunham, pull up your damn pants before you trip on them.


I’ve seen a pack of feral kids drag down a death claw, you ladies should at least be able to hit a building with that much shooting.


You know with five magazines of thirty rounds each, you should at least be able to hit one guy once Pullman.


All right lads, this is the real thing. your job is to make sure those sorry bas***ds never leave the Drift alive with out getting killed yourselves. Do me proud.


Do I like killing? No, but I like dying at the hands of scum sucking bottom feeders even less.


Let me ask you a question.. if you spared a crap bag like Caesar would you take responsibility for every person he had killed or enslaved after you let him go. So take your pacifism and shove it up your a$$

Edited by JoKelly
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I haven't been actively keeping up as much but reading the new developments makes me very excited for this mod! Keep up the great work! And I totally get that scripting is a pain in the butt. Even just the most basic scripting for an NPC companion can be a headache at times.

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I haven't been actively keeping up as much but reading the new developments makes me very excited for this mod! Keep up the great work! And I totally get that scripting is a pain in the butt. Even just the most basic scripting for an NPC companion can be a headache at times.

Thanks glad you like it, I'm still a long way from being finished but its coming along. once Project Brazil and Frontier come out I will have to go play FNV for a little bit. LOL so there will be a delay in work.






Cool, the arm looks awesome.


Thanks, I still have the cyber eye to do and a few other things I want to add later.


I've already made a test Nif and will be testing it and a couple of other new mash ups in game today. Shorty ended up with a vest by the way.


I need to make Magda's clothes, something along the lines of Raider combined with strumpet. Maybe leather with a corset to reflect her Soiled Dove AKA prostitute, past. I'm saving Cree for last, hoping to come up with something really good for his armor.

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Looks Brilliant, Honestly Looking Forward To Your Mod! :D


And Thanks For The Advice On Not Giving Up Due To Engine Limitations :laugh:

Thanks, hopefully it will be finished before I die of old age LOL. The whole western theme, mixed with science fiction lends itself to almost unlimited story idea's.


Your welcome, I've had some really great idea's over the last few years only to find out that the engine would not support it. But did I give up no. when that castle burned down, fell over and sank into the swamp, I built another one and that lad is what.... ummm. sorry Monty Python moment LOL. I hope to see many more mods coming out for games I like years from now.

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How Dark is Your Mod Going To be?


Sounds great, looks great, heck it might be better than "New Vegas Bounties" Bro!


And yeah, I'm looking forward to Project Brazil, the way their plot was set up, it really pulls you in the mod! The team said its pretty about to be finished, I'm ready haha.

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