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WIP Dogs of War, Rerturn of the Desert Rangers


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The bounty series have a western theme, judging by the images, your mod is basically a Sergio Leone´s movie.

There is actually a reason, in game, why Devil's hill looks the way it does LOL. but yes it does resemble some of the classic movie western sets. Side note, did you know that those movie sets were actually fairly accurate depictions of how old western towns looked.




1) one allies with you if won the caravan tornament that is happening in the city (would be equivalent to poker tournaments of the time, as depicted, for example, in Maverick)

I like this idea, It would fit in well both in Tully and Devils hill.



3) one allies with you after you prove that are better hunter then him (put some legendary enemies that you have to kill)

this one could fit in once the Courier passes through Steam boat village and meets the local tribals.



5) and finally one allies with you if you help him win a unfair bar fight.

This cliche is one that has to be in anything that claims to be based on westerns LOL



Then I have a simple and cool sugestion: several unique dialogues if you have cowboy, rapid reload, home on the range and quick draw perks.

now thats something I really had not considered and would work well with some of the quests I am currently outlining.


As far as the weapons go, they would look cool. But I've never made weapons for the game, and I still have plenty more custom assets to make for various parts of the mod. But if you know where I can find a resource or mod with them in it and I can get permission I will port them in.


thanks for your suggestions and interest.

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Ginger9 is a talented moder that made some really cool mods and let the others uses without permission.


A lever action



A shotgun



A knife



And my favorite, this awesome AWESOME outfit. I LOVE this mod so much XD



As for my weapons sugestions


Revolver rifle






Bonus: beautiful winchester


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Thanks YanL, I will check those out.


as of today I buckled down and began working on the custom interiors and the Tully Basic quest and scripts.

If any one is good at textures and interested in helping drop me a message. I'm getting better at Texturing but still not to the level I'd like to be.

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just another update, The New Vegas locations are almost finished. They would be finished by now except I have suddenly encountered some odd bugs in GECK that I haven't seen before. Things like the entire screen going black when editing interior location data and having to restart the PC, or odd spots in an interior where you can no longer click on kit pieces or place vertices.


Anyway, working through that. I hope to have the New Vegas part finished in a month or so. Maybe two months with the holidays rolling around.


I will need voice actors for the new Vegas parts at that point.

Alex Crighton, Cat Toliver and Big Jake Remo.


Crighton runs a mysterious "Club" in Freeside, and is rumored to be more than a former Merc.

Cat Toliver is a guide who may or may not help the courier.

Big Jake, is said to have once been a Desert Ranger.

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well the quest "the wild side of life" is progressing though I have ran into a snag. I have sequence where the NPC and Player are supposed to sit and talk. But the sit animation ends as soon as the dialogue starts. Odd but not a mod killer.


If I cant get the wrinkle out of that, the card game challenge wont go off the way I want it to either.

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okay so the state of the mod, its slow going. Having to deal with alot of real world stuff. Almost finished with the first quest and dialogue (written not voiced), scripting is slow going but progressing.


Two ambushes, and a bounty type event are set up.


If some one knows how to correctly set up dialogue and using furniture and idles while speaking let me know. Apparently I am doing something wrong, since the moment the dialogue starts the furniture animation stops.


I really wish I had the time to make a couple of new body nifs, one missing fingers another missing an arm for custom NPC's. as my Granny used to say, wish in one hand spit in the other and see which one fills up faster LOL.


I also have plans on spending a little time making some glowing cyber eyes for a NPC, and maybe an arm or leg too.


A couple of friends think I should put together a team for this. I'm seriously considering it.

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at the moment I am working on adding a new interior, a Vault... Yes thats right A VAULT. the vault, the one and only Vault. okay its actually just a Vault. LOL at one point I had an idea for a mod that involved a secret government program called Project Pheonix. So instead of letting all those ideas languish on my HD, I am adding one, maybe two of the Vaults from Pheonix. which will allow me to add some of the history I've already written down and it ties into the Van Buren Material.


They wont play a huge part in this mod, not unless I assemble a team and go all Project Brazil on it and spend five years working on the over all story line. Speaking of Project Brazil, Part 2 is due out soon. WOOOT. anyway....


I am now reworking the steam boat, the actual paddle wheeler, not the barge. its going to be a rusting, pre war tourist boat that plied the placid water of a man made lake. A lake that drained after the nukes fell and the resulting blasts set off earth quakes that reshaped the landscape in some areas.


this will be a slow labor of love since I am attempting to animate parts of the vessel. Animation is something I have not previously tried.


The club in Freeside is almost finished, Cats dialogue is more or less finished. though I keep making changes. Crightons Dialogue is halfway written.


The Robot's dialogue, LOL. I have to check and see if the sound clips I am using as place holders are public domain. Right now he rolls around shouting "Danger, Danger" and "this does not compute" amongst other lost in space lines. LOL


stashed in one of the vaults there just be be a broken down Robby the robot.


The first real quest, "Proving Ground" is half way completed. "Walk on the wildside" Cats quest is pretty much done as well.


Let me ask, Does any one actually use LIngs or would want to use lings. I want to keep the number of needed mods to a minimum. I like Cat with the Pony tail but its not something that really matters in the scheme of things. the hair meshes are pretty much a waste of HD space if they are not being used.

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Two levels of the Xanadu complex are close to completion. I still have to Nav Mesh and do a few other things. not to mention I will probably run across mistakes and problems as I nav mesh and have to correct those LOL.


I am trying to walk a line visually between a high tech, disaster, and old western movie theme's. so if you have an opinion let me know what you think.


If there is any one that is interested in this mod and can model and wants to help, I would love to have a custom bot made to play an NPC role. Something like Robby the Robot, with a modern flare. If not well, it was worth a thought. LOL.

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