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feral footsteps


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Is it just my modded install or are feral ghouls literally feet-silent attackers every time? I can't remember ever hearing them coming until after their spaztic lunges have totally shattered my normal gaming comfort level. Its not even that I mind being heard if sneaking and attacked -- it would just be nice to hear that attack coming in steps for however long the distance away. Some audible warning of feet stepping over any single default terrain type would be good enough.


So if this is normal and there is not already a mod for it, then I am making a request.


Edit1: I would also like to add that you can hear their dead bodies bobbing about the water areas once dropped but not when they are stepping through them. This even sounds like steps through water so the same sound could hopefully be applied to them stepping through water and then just some generic sound for them on any non-water terrain.

Edited by wizardmirth
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