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The Hunt for Daoris- writers needed


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We are searching for lore writers and quest writers for our mod The Hunt for Daoris.


Anyone can join our modding team, for us the experience or inexperience is not an important thing, we are more interested that the new writers or writer that will join the team can accept the following rules




Here is a short preview of the history of the island we are working on:


From the time of dawn, elves and men fought for this land but none of them could have it whole. The men took over the north of the island called it Jorn’s fall as tribute for their leader, while the elves took the west-south. In order to fend off the men, the elves casted a spell of mist and snow on their land making it unbearable for men to fight let alone venture in such climates. What the elves didn’t know is that the spell caused their land to drift apart from the land of men.


The elves wasn’t ready for the cold and icy land that they were now on, and so they began to perish one by one from diseases, hunger and wild animals. Ages later all that have remained of the elves were the dead remains left to protect their ancestor’s home.


Every wonderer who tried setting foot on this accursed island was trapped in there never to be seen and so the island earned its name “durgol” or “the cursed land”.

Short after the elves were gone men came and tried to inhibit the land of elves, but couldn’t succeed due to the harsh climates and so they named it “Sigrid’s Forst” or “Frost’s victory”.

Although the battle is long gone the curse still rages on as Sigrid's frost, former region of elves, is frozen in time, uninhabitable for men and woe for any adventurers seeking treasures.



Made by redrakiton125 and TheSilverHawk


If you like to join our team please provide a sample using our current lore, continue what we started here so that we can see your style of writing.


Thank you


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