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somewhere beyond the sea


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i alway wanted to see some under water action in fallout 4. when the far harbour dlc came out, i thought it would finaly be there. but no, sorrx.

so i have to rely on the fantastic and awsome Modding community.


i would love to explore under water landscapes, with caves and strange creatures. maybe an underwater-base or settlement. off course we would also need new equipment and weapons that could work under water. or at least new mods for existing weapons and armor. maybe the possibility to build a whole under water settlement. that would be awesome.


but till now this is a dream.


the ony thing i found was this here. this is a good start, if you ask me, but not enough.

Edited by narses03
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excellent discussion and idea!


In the base game, the boston harbor

halfway between Spectacle Island and Croup Manor...

there are pipelines under the waters,

which lead off-map to a Poseidon underwater oil refinery.


Some Mods could be formed with those as a basis...

underwater powerarmor battle etc, such as at anchorage,

yet in the 2290s boston wasteland, would be fun eh?


My code-fu in FO4 is weak,

so we would need code-master's to aid to us...

it would be an excellent collab mod to have happen eh?

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Thats why i started this topic.


i realy hope someone will take up this idea.

i can't do it, because i have no clue how. i never created a mod and i have no experience with software-creating or modding.


the only thing i can provide would be creativity and ideas. maybe some testing IF someone managed to built something.

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