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Short Guild Quest/Story-lines?


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Is it just me, or have all the guild's story-lines gotten shorter? I've completed Thieves, Dark Brotherhood, Companion and Legion story lines... I felt like it took me longer to complete comparable guild story-lines in Oblivion.


See, with the fighters guild in Oblivion there were local outposts in different towns... I started off as a recruit and had to work my way up the ranks. I felt invested...


In Skyrim, every guild I'm thrown in I am the magical golden-boy who changes everything and then becomes the new leader in the span of less than 10 missions.


Conversely, the main quest is much better than Oblivion's... but it came at a huge costs to the guilds.

Edited by OnlyOneWing
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The guild quest lines are so pathetically short, it's ridiculous. They have seem to be about half the length of Oblivion/Morrowind's guild quests, and you get zero sense of feeling like you actually earned your rank - whether it be leader or even anything lower. I understand wanting to get more people interested in games like this, but where is the sense of accomplishment becoming Arch-Mage, or Harbinger, when you can literally become either in about 2 hours real time, without even needing to have any skills to back it up? I had to laugh when I beat on Vilkas with a Bound Sword for my entry into the Companions, then Lightning Bolted my way through every quest past that, without even a tiny comment from any of the other Companions about the fact some wimpy spellcaster was taking over their guild (ok, it was an Orc spellcaster in heavy armor, but still...)
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Yeah, being able to beat Vilkas with low-end equipment and low lvl was pretty disappointing to me. Seriously? Was he supposed to be one of the high ranking members of the companions?

I understand that we live in a culture where instant gratification is praised, but there needs to be a balance. There should be some sort of a "grind".


It doesn't feel like you earn your titles at all. I went through both the thieves guild and dark brotherhood questlines in less than two days...

I think Bethesda thought that the fact that there are unlimited fetch quests along with every guild would somehow make up for this. But I can't bring myself to go around assassinating homeless people, hunters and bards just for the sake of having something to do. There should have been more real missions instead of simple fillers at the end of the guild's story.

Edited by OnlyOneWing
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