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Oblivion clothes and faces


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Hi:) Im new here so i hope you will see my topic:) I have few questions and maybe are stupid but i cant find other way,i hope you will understand me.

I am playing Oblivion with lots of mods ofc.I would like to know if any1 can make adidas clothes and shoes with colors like black and white or white and blue in more abstract style?And can be easy to install and easy to find too?They should be all heavy armor with 0 weight and all seperated (shoes,t shirt,jacket,pants,bandana...)and with 3 stripes ofc:) I have another question.Can some1 make a character of me and my girlfriend? I know you need pictures for that,i can send pictures with no problem,this is my bigest wish to have character of my girlfriend and myself.With this i am completed in oblivion.Please if some1 can answer me and help me with that,i will be more than happy:) Thank you people for understanding i hope i get replays:) Take care:)

Edited by dnbx
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A thread like this would get the best response if placed in the "Oblivion Mod Requests" forum.


Unless you already know of some Adidas clothing mods that contain items that could simply be retextured to the colors you like, then this is a really hard mod request that could only be done by a skilled clothing modder who is good with Blender. You would need to specify which body you use. (Vanilla, HGEC, etc.)


The shirt and the jacket could not be separated using normal procedures. In Oblivion, there is a slot for the cuirass, the greaves, the helmet, the boots, the gauntlets, the amulet, and the two ring slots. T shirt and jacket both belong in the cuirass slot, so the normal procedure would be to combine them and make it so you have to wear both at the same time.


Faces for player characters are not done by modders. They are done by gamers using the in-game interface. So if you want a character to look like you and want to be able to play him, then you will need to do it yourself. If you want you and your girlfriend to be NPCs that are not playable, then the task would be done in the CS using similar techniques to what you would do in-game.

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Well,thank you a lot for replay :smile: I ask cause i found 1 adidas cloth here for upper body.For using my own character with my picutere i hear some people use Face Gen and that could be done with that program.I saw some informations on internet and that is why i ask.I found that program too but its demo and if you want to buy is around 230$ or more,im not shure.I cant afford that :sad: I still hope mybe is some1 who can make that.I saw mods barak obama face and you can play as barak obama and so on.I think people who made this they use Face Gen and mybe some other program too for export or something im not shure.Anyway thanks again.
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Well,thank you a lot for replay :smile: I ask cause i found 1 adidas cloth here for upper body.For using my own character with my picutere i hear some people use Face Gen and that could be done with that program.I saw some informations on internet and that is why i ask.I found that program too but its demo and if you want to buy is around 230$ or more,im not shure.I cant afford that :sad: I still hope mybe is some1 who can make that.I saw mods barak obama face and you can play as barak obama and so on.I think people who made this they use Face Gen and mybe some other program too for export or something im not shure.Anyway thanks again.


I don't think you need to buy FaceGen unless you want to export face model to 3DS or OBJ. You can use PhotoFit to make your face from mugshot, then import face to Oblivion save via 'Facegen to Oblivion converter'(Google search is your friend).

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