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A new way to cast magic


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hmmm, I'm not sure about combining effects to get normal spells like fireball, don't wanna make casting normal spells difficult, but I do like the idea of combining spell effects together,


here's a clever thought I had: combining ice spike and soul trap so when you kill the target, there is a soul stone with his soul in his inventory, it coukd have potential, and serve to create the feeling that you're getting creative with your spells


I also thought that spells could have more unique properties, for example:


fireball explodes like it does now

the ice equivalent could freeze the ground in an expanding wave that freezes solid anyone caught in it (like ice form shout)

the lightning equivalent could cause arcing lightining bolts between targets that are close enough to geather (focusing the damage on fewer but more spread out targets, theoreticly)


the added effects could also be perks in the tree


p.s. it just accured to me, you could use the combining effect here to:


fire ball would be the only one that has an AOE effect to it, the ice equivalent would effect one target, lightning would still acr between targets

fire and ice: you get the ice blast wave effect

fire and lightning: you get arcs that explode when they hit targets

ice and lightning: the arcs freeze targets as they hit


Note: the spells I'm reffering to are the single click and hold to carge type

Edited by Dukoth
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that would be a great addition to the game i think. Magicka is a bit lackluster at the moment, quite boring really. Destruction has essentially the same 3 spells over and over, restoration is practically useless aside from the occasional heal or ward (i use alchemy to make potions so i dont deplete my magicka), and alteration is a joke. i do like illusion and conjuration though, but more spells would be nice.


Anyway i think this would be a great idea for when CK comes out, hope it doesnt get lost by then.

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I just realized another drawback to using two different spells to get normal spells (ie. fire + tk to get firebolt), you remove dual casting the same spell (to get double spell streangth or charge twice as fast) as a possibility


but the oak flesh spell combo idea is good, could be used to give it elemental resistances

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I am all for creating new spells: entirely new (Nova, Holy,... Curses, Hexes and others... to be fully applied with attribute reimplementation), by fusion (active casting, like casting firespell and fusing it with heal to become phoenix flame spell (enemy takes damage, ally heals)) or even combination (casting a spell through a previously cast spell still active, to either add an effect to the new spell (like shooting arcane missiles through a firewall making them arcane firemissiles), to enhance magic spells through enchanting enemies (dragon age origins death hex+deathcloud=>instant death up to *level A enemies (from leveled (difficulty) leveling (your own rank) levels (enemy ranks))* or rarely to create a new magic (like dragon age origins enhanced blizzard+enhanced tempest=>storm of the centuries)


As it was said already it would be sad to throw away overcharging... but added spelleffects and changed graphics like blue flames, flamewhirl... would be wonderful... and on certain spells if you have attained a certain perk masterlevel mages should be able to cast twohanded spells onehanded, like a master warrior holding greatswords with one hand... this comes along a perk change/overhaul


creating classsystems (perktrees with many new perks effecting the character, the fighting style (forms (including forms with abilities)) and abilities) you are able to realign yourself to through meditation... so that you dont have to create a new character...

Classes would be something like

Perks -> Classes


Alteration -> Sorcerer/Transmuter


Conjuration -> Conjurer/Warlock/Necromancer


Destruction -> Wizard/Witch/Evoker/Enchanter


Enchanting -> Arcane Warrior/Warmage/Swordmage


Illusion -> Mesmer/Bloodmage


Restoration -> Priest/Shaman


Onehanded -> Knight/Commander


Twohanded -> Reaver/Avenger


Block -> Paladin/Guardian


Archery ->Archer/Ranger


Heavy Armor -> Warrior/Warlord


Smithing -> Mystic/Rogue/Engineer


Alchemy -> Alchemist/Druid


Light Armor -> Warden/Duelist


Lockpicking -> Thief


Pickpocket -> Bard


Sneak -> Assassin


Speech -> Chanter/Charmer/Beastmaster


Each of these classes would have certain forms (weaponstyles for certain types of weapons) as well as new abilities and perks... creating tactics the players can use against enemies and useful spells for dungeons...

I am currently working on the theory of this whole thing (having till january to make the biggest wishlist for modding)... sadly i am not a modder (granted that maybe i should learn how to do it, but i am more the managing type)

Edited by Aokami
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Nice idea making casting more ergonomic.


Also the idea to combine different aspects of spells like lightning that freezes have seen that in some Anime

can look great if done well. Ore the ice spike soul trap combo great ideas.


Well since i said Anime Naruto has plenty effects that could be implemented from breathing an fireball

or an electric charged strike to pierce through your enemy (Chidori). But that doesn't really belong to the Threadmakers original idea.


So making the whole Castingsystem easier giving use more

things to do without changing the actual spell using

an Element instead of using firebolt over an over - Please go for it.


New Perks & Perks that require multiple skills yeah but classes belong to

NPCs can be mentioned in books, The Hero doesn't need them :)

Edited by A9824
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New Perks & Perks that require multiple skills yeah but classes belong to

NPCs can be mentioned in books, The Hero doesn't need them :)


The thing is a good game is created through the open possibilities and the restrictions... if the restrictions are too little the game becomes imbalanced. The modding to open up the game has to create new walls to keep the gameworld from tilting... but i guess if you were to use a leveled leveling levels (difficulty change manual + ingame) and put it on the easiest setting you could make perkgain so high that you dont need meditation...

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yeah, but a class system is a bit beyond the scope of the proposed mod, it's just about creating a new way to cast and use spells, not fundamentaly changing the way the game is played, as for limitations, those come from haveing only two spells that can be cast at one time, your skill in a particular school, and your mana reserves, example: a hardcore mage can do it all in terms of magic, but a spellsword may only have the mana reserve for basic spell casting, dual casting is a strategic choice as it takes almost all his mana, and mixing magic types may be over his head as the needed perks are outside of his skill range


I want basic spells preserved in their current forms for those characters that only dabble in magic, with dual casting the same type of magic being the high end for them, things like added spell effects and mixing magic come higher level perks


pluss I don't like the idea of this mod alienating those that don't like a class system and prefer the current classless "play to your style" system, like me, I'm sure there will be other mods that will add a class system, and I'm quite sure a compatability patch could be made for them, thus everybody gets what they want

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  • 1 month later...

ok, so now that the CK is out I figured I'd try and get some intrest in this idea now, see if some one would like to make it, I really think this is something skyrim needs, as the fps style spell selection just isn't cutting it(never really has), plus it would be cool if xilver (sp?) of midas magic would allow his spells to be incorporated, but thats just me thinking out loud (on purpose)


so how bout it, anybody, anybody at all, hello?, is this thing on, HELLLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ok, so


when bethesda first showed the casting demos and he started talking about the different ways to cast, who else besides me thought they ment different ways to cast a single spell, I did. and when I got the game and found that I was wrong I felt a little let down, so I'm here with a request to change the way you cast spells


here's what I'm proposing:


a casting system based on how you click your mouse

single click

single click and hold

double click

double click and hold

a modifier key with any of the above


here's an example of what I'm thinking with a fire spell:

single click: cast fire bolt

single click and hold: charge spell and release: cast fire ball

double click: summon flame atronack

double click and hold: flame gout (the flame thrower spell)

modifier key pluss single click and hold: charge spell and release: cast flame shockwave

modifier key pluss double click and hold: charge spell and release: cast a fire rune


charging a spell would modify it's attributes (in this example increasing damage) with the more mana you put in it

in this example skill in destruction magic would modify how much mana is needed to charge/cast, with the mana drain being slower the higher the skill


(There was actually a mod for oblivion which I used that did this 'was called' Chargeable spells' cant rem the author though )


and yes this is a good idea

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