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Finding higher leveled Weapons


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I can't seem to find this mod since I don't know exactly what it's called. I always hated it when I can only find weapons and armor that are based on the level I'm at or just a little higher. I.e., the only way for me to find Daedric weapons is when I'm a much higher level than, say, level 5. Is there a mod (of course there is) that doesn't base weapons and armor on what level I'm at?

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There are mods for static loot.


Also the Requiem overhaul completely delevels the game. Requiem is much more than that tho. But if a static world appeals to you it just might be right up your alley. Requiem makes skyrim a completely different game.


Enemies are no longer scaled around the player. This means certain areas will be off limits early on as you wont be strong enough to kill them.

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