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Ghost horse summon and dispell


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I don't often like to ride horses-- they show up when you don't need them and vanish when you do, mounting and dismounting is a pain in the butt, and I just generally find them cumbersome in general.




I recently found the code to bring about the Ghost Horse-- 10BF90. He was fun for a while, but eventually he started giving me the same trouble, so I "uncoded" him again. If I had a ring or a spell or something that would let me summon and dismiss him as I needed, that would be delightfully handy... (hint, hint)

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This idea I like, I'll look into it later today. As for the code is that console related or?



Yes, sorry... that's the console code for those who would use player.placeatme. The ghost horse itself actually has some significant drawbacks, compared to other horses-- apparently you can only ride it, no other interactions are possible. On the other hand, the horse can't be hurt and apparently neither can you when you're mounted. Could be a game breaker, I suppose.


From the Headless Horseman's entry on UESP.net:



His horse is baseid 10BF90, simply named 'Horse'. It is ethereal (weapons/attacks pass through it) like other ghosts and leaves a smoky blue ghost trail behind it.

It can be ridden like a normal horse but cannot be interacted with in any other way like other ghosts. If the player is attacked while on the horse it will attack the aggressor as other horses do when dismounted. It does damage like a normal horse, however it cannot be hurt

The horse reacts with the normal horse sound effect when it would normally take fall damage but it cannot die. It also has infinite stamina.



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The spell would be easier to manage for me personally, but whatever turns you on, all I did was suggest the idea. You get full credit for the doing, and therefore you get full command over how it happens, what it looks like when it happens, how much cool factor is involved, etc., etc.
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Yeah, I'd call that a flaw in the system. I s'pose it doesn't HAVE to be the ghost horse, that's just the one that I was riding when I had the idea... plus it's already got that patronus/summoned look already built in. If a normal horse is only what will work, then so be it.
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