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Memory Block Log & Memory Patch


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So bascially I just implemented the SKSE memory allocation trick setting my defaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 as I think I'm supposed to. I fiddled around in game until it inevitably crashed and then I took a look at the memory block log and the game crashed when the first block reached 256mb? At the top next to where it says Block 1, it says 512mb as it should. Does anybody know what's going on here as I would really like to be able to enter cities again, since that's when I crash-_-?

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So bascially I just implemented the SKSE memory allocation trick setting my defaultHeapInitialAllocMB=768 as I think I'm supposed to. I fiddled around in game until it inevitably crashed and then I took a look at the memory block log and the game crashed when the first block reached 256mb? At the top next to where it says Block 1, it says 512mb as it should. Does anybody know what's going on here as I would really like to be able to enter cities again, since that's when I crash-_-?


I have had the same issues and tried the memory blocks. To me, it does not seem to be actually doing anything, so I discarded it. What I have done to , well, " fix " the problem, is just simply disable " save on travel " in game menu. Just keep in mind that every time you travel, obviously game does not save. Try using F5, quick save instead.

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The game quick save is rather buggy. It would cause you fewer problems if you were disable all auto saves and use Rotating quicksave, www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43153/? . While the name says quick save, it is actually a full save you can set a hotkey for. it will create numbered saves for each character by name.

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The game quick save is rather buggy. It would cause you fewer problems if you were disable all auto saves and use Rotating quicksave, www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43153/? . While the name says quick save, it is actually a full save you can set a hotkey for. it will create numbered saves for each character by name.


OK, I just tried this, 20 plus time thru Stormwind...grr, Whiterun Gates, plus some fast travels, F6 quick save works like a charm. Albiet, it does the same function as the normal " Save " . Nice work, you just put CTD and mem block needs out to pasture. Yes, I am ex wow, never going back to it.

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