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Simple modding


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I've been a consumer of mods for a while, and having been laid-off recently, I'm looking at plenty of spare time to not only consume but contribute.


I don't have any real modding experience, but I was hoping a few of you could let me know where to get started. Here's what I'd like to know how to begin to do-


1: How do I get started doing simple things like edit item values (weights, whether an item is light, heavy, or cloth armor, base armor and damage values, etc)

2: What software do I need to start altering textures and meshes? I'm not entirely familiar with the difference between the two but I'm a quick study, I'll figure it out.

3: Is it possible to edit dialog, and add/remove dialog tree options? How would I get started with that?

4: Is it possible to edit default creature type attributes? (Like lets say, altering bandits to detect sneaking more easily, or making many of them able to cast restoration magic) If so, how would I go about it?



No need for any one person to tackle all the answers to those questions, if you just know one or two, feel free to chime in. Thanks in advance for your help guys, and keep up the good work on the great mods!



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If you are new to modding you are better waiting for the CK, as only limited things can be done without it. Textures are the easiest thing to replace (which is why we have so damn many of them) but adding new items into the game is a bit harder.


1) Start here


2) Edit textures in Gimp or Photoshop. Import meshes into nifscope (see link above for more detail) and edit in Blender or 3ds Max (Blender is open source).


3) See link above, best to wait for the CK since we can't create .fuz files


4) If you mean altering the AI, my understanding is we need the CK for this too

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Thanks for the info so far, I appreciate it.


Definitely when the CK comes out, I'll begin tooling around with it like everyone else.


I'll have a look at the links you've provided and see what I can make happen :)



Also, any tutorials on just changing simple values on items would be appreciated. Lets say I want to alter the base armor value of Hide armor. Is there any way to do that?





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Thanks for the info so far, I appreciate it.


Definitely when the CK comes out, I'll begin tooling around with it like everyone else.


I'll have a look at the links you've provided and see what I can make happen :)



Also, any tutorials on just changing simple values on items would be appreciated. Lets say I want to alter the base armor value of Hide armor. Is there any way to do that?







Thats also done in the construction set.


Retexturing is fairly simple but can be fiddly to get textures to align properly.


I've recently discovered a love for 3d modelling though, so I definitely suggest you give that a shot :D

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