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Pre-CK list of Immersion-Breakers


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Hey everyone... I've been a lurker here since release, and had this idea floating around in my mind but haven't taken the time to post. In anticipation of the CK release, I'd like to gather a list of immersion breaking gameplay so when it comes out, I can start work on a mod that focuses on Character Awareness to the AI in Skyrim.



Here is an example of what I'm talking about:



You've completed the College of Winterhold quests and are now the Arch-Mage... but when you walk by Farengar in Dragonreach, he callously suggests that should you "Have the aptitude, you should join the Mages College in Winterhold"... Does he not realize who I am? Can he not see that I'm dressed in the Arch-Mage's robes?




This is just one example of the types of non-existent character awareness in Skyrim that completely breaks my immersion for that moment in-game.



I have a B.S. in Computer Science and have worked in more then 10 programming languages over my 15 years as a software developer. Way back in the day I made quite a few UMS for Starcraft: Brood War / WC3 ect. with custom scripting... and while I have no experience in Oblivion / Fallout style Creation Kit engines, I'd hazard the guess that I'll have no problem picking up the scripting environment for Skyrim.


When the CK is out, I will start immediately working on these types of fixes to the game... but in the mean time I'd like to get a list going of minor details like the above example so that when the time is right, I can begin work on this mod.


I am also aware that I will need to get over the hurdle of Voice Acting... and for the time being I plan to simply remove some of the questionable speech from certain NPC's throughout the world, until a broader solution (and actors) can be found. If anyone is interested in starting some voice acting to replace existing NPC scripts, please leave your details in this thread.






Don't use this topic to say things that don't relate to speech / character awareness. I want to focus on a mod that will bring Skyrim to the point where people around you will actually be aware of your actions. Simple things matter to me, but please try to stay on the topic of speech here.






Here's a little form I made to make things a LOT easier for me in the future:


Actor Name:

Actor Location:

Speech in Question:

Related Triggers:

Suggested Alternative Speech:

Other Information:



and an example of how to fill it out:


Actor Name: Farengar

Actor Location: Dragonreach

Speech in Question: "If you have the aptitude, you should join the Mages College in Winterhold"

Related Triggers: QUEST - The Eye of Magnus

Suggested Alternative Speech: "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Arch-Mage!"

Other Information: none

Edited by PR4Y
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I absolutely hate Nazeem. He ruins the game because he makes me want to kill him or leave Whiterun. "Get to the cloud district often? Wait.. What am I saying? Of course you don't" -> Kill Nazeem f*** the bounty. I wish there were a mod to replace the lines he has that address the Dragonborn. I understand he's the game's rich snob but it seems unrealistic for some random farm owner to talk down a the Dragonborn like that even after being made Thane or killing Alduin. Right now all his lines might as well be replaced with "I bask in the smell of my own farts."
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The biggest problem is that a lot of dialogue simply repeats itself over and over. Example: " I work for Belethor at Belethor's Goods and Trade". Theres should be some sort of script in place that means NPC's say their important line once and later should simply say " Hello or Good to see you."


My real issue with the dialogue is as you stated the Arch mage reference, however in my case I had become a Legion Legate and I would constantly hear stupid comments from the legion rank and file along the lines of " I've got my eye on you" and "If you want to join the Legion go and see General Tullius." Whereas other Legion troops would address me correctly as "Legate". So the dialogue system works some of the time.


As it stands its complete immersion breaking nonsense. If you can fix any of this it would be a very welcome mod.

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I agree, and there's another retard in Whiterun who asks "You tried mercenary work? It might suit you" every time you walk past him, these idiots never learn.


Ysolda, my wife, absolutely does my head in, she's sitting at the table eating bread and asks "Yes my love, what do you need?", I will go downstairs to knock up a few potions, come back upstairs immediately to be greeted by "Hello my love, back from some adventure I bet".


Grounding up giant toes, what an epic adventure.

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After doing the companions quests and you get turned into a werewolf, people start saying fun stuff about you, hinting at your wolfish smell and ear hair.


This is fine....


But when you are cured and no longer a werewolf, they keep it up... sigh.

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Yeah some of the dialogue needs cooldowns for sure.


Like you said the NPCs should really stop using certain lines when you hit new ranks in the factions. Also some inter-faction awareness would be nice. Can't remember the exact dialogue but it was the Thieves Guild Faction.



"Do what we say, we have contacts in the Dark Brotherhood."


We so need options like

1. "You don't say..." Is a DB member

2. "I know someone high up too..." completed DB questline


Just something snarky that could be reasonably said without interrupting dialogue.



Or is that already in there, and my game is just bugged?

Anyone know of any other situations like these?


Good luck, looking forward to the mod if you go ahead with it. :thumbsup:

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so far so good! Didn't expect this many responses so quickly, but that's definitely NOT a bad thing! I'll be keeping track of all your suggestions and start researching possible alternatives for NPC scripts ASAP.




Like I said before, I'd like to have a decently sized list BEFORE the CK comes out, so when it's released I can jump right in and start working on these issues.


Thanks everyone for the suggestions so far! KEEP 'EM COMING





OH ALSO before I forget:


When you guys mention certain things about people not recognizing your feats, could you include some more information regarding this such as Quest Names that could be used as triggers if they are completed? This will GREATLY reduce my work load, and result in a much quicker release of the mod.

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