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Pre-CK list of Immersion-Breakers


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Actor Name: any merchant

Actor Location: almost every shop

Speech in Question: "Ah, so you're an alchemist then" / "I had you pegged for a mage" / in general - an introductory statement that really only makes sense first two or three times shopping with them

Related Triggers: Asking to buy, needs to change after buying multiple times from the same vendor

Suggested Alternative Speech: "Ahh friend, welcome, look around"(3rd time in a particular shop), "I'll be here if you need me"(after 6th or 7th time), "come to sell me more loot then?"(blacksmiths after you've sold them $1000worth), "Ahh, and in walks my shipment?"(any merchant after $2700), "The Arch-Mage. It is an honour"(alchemists after you become archmage), "so friend, making a name for yourself I hear"(any shopkeep who says 'ahh, in walks my shipment' when you become a guildmaster)

Other Information: I like Meatbomb's request about shopkeeps and think it'd be nice to have them get to know you better or react to the fact your in their shops often


I may be being a litle too specific, but hey it'd fun

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I too think the reaction of merchants to the character should improve the more business you bring them. How many times have I sold stuff at Belethor's to hear that sarcastic farewell "Do come again".

Actually he's not the first misery of a store owner. Anyone remember Phintias from First Edition in Oblivion?

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I just thought of another one


Actor Name: Don't remember off the top of my head, the merchant at Bits and Pieces

Actor Location: Bits and Pieces in Solitude

Speech in question: "Beirand said you got here just before the execution" or some such.

Suggested Alternative Speech: Anything else at all after she says it the first time. It's always bugged me that, almost a year after said Execution, she continues to go on about it like it was recent news. Yes, I got here, for the first time, right before the execution, and yes we discussed it MONTHS AGO, thank you.


I also agree with the other merchants as others have pointed out, though I'd rather have a nice short "Take a look" for most vendors when you ask to see what they have.

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Kodlak in the Companions upon your initiation into the group comments, "Go see Eorland about a suitable weapon to replace... whatever that is."


"That" is an ebony warhammer, dickface.


It's just not a necessary line. I know you can't change it because his lines are unique, but it would have been better to say "Welcome Companion. Go see Eorlund and he'll fix you up with some new equipment if you like."

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Kodlak in the Companions upon your initiation into the group comments, "Go see Eorland about a suitable weapon to replace... whatever that is."


"That" is an ebony warhammer, dickface.


It's just not a necessary line. I know you can't change it because his lines are unique, but it would have been better to say "Welcome Companion. Go see Eorlund and he'll fix you up with some new equipment if you like."

So true.


As for the mention of voice acting and replacing all the dialogue in the whole game... as long as the voice actor of Farengar gets replaced, I'll be happy. After all, his speech sounds like it was generated from a computer. "So the Jarl thinks you can be of use to me. Yes, I - think - I - can - get - someone - to - fetch - something - for - me."

Seriously, Microsoft Sam with a different accent.

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Excellent idea..


Would it be possible for you to add lines of dialog to Guards and other NPC so i can actually ask for where the shops/markets/temples are or certain quest locations are ?

For example i could ask a guy on the road or an legion on the road , how do i reach solitude and he could direct me with directions ? The in game map is as immersion breaking as the NPC quest lines are its like i got some GPS sattelite system.. i hated it from day 1 i saw it :(

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Thieves Guild, upon completion. Brynjolf's stuck with a line telling me how busy he is and can't talk right now, every time I bump him. A simple Hello would suffice.

Not so much immersion-breaking as it is annoying, but implies he's set himself upon some lifelong task of wandering the cistern... plotting.

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I find it interesting that the Argonians(as far as I've heard) sound as human as the nords and imperials. So if you do do a complete voice sweep I recommend giving them a hiss or a lisp by default

I'd be happy to do some voice acting if you like. just send me a list of male lines you need voiced(name, race, faction if required would be helpful in getting possibly unique voices per character)

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Would it be totally crazy for a bunch of voice actors to redo the entire dialogue, add new conversations etc to make it completely consistent?

DLC will do two things, primary add more content, secondary add some wanted features in the game, I guess high damage destruction spells as destruction is to weak and it's easy to add.


Question how much is needed, many of the dialogues can be skipped or replaced with general ones. You access Lydia's inventory and she says nothing, ok or fine who all is an improvement.

For me I find the fury ears comment from the guards funny as a Khajiit with furry ears is no surprise.


One other thing who is terrible annoying is that if you meet an npc while going inside your house they follow you to finish their line.

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