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Pre-CK list of Immersion-Breakers


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I got an immersion breaker for you. When I get detected by black soul ai, ie. people, they don't search hard enough for me. If they are an outright enemy and will attack me on sight.. they should do a proper search and scour the entire area and stop once they have completed, they should alert their comrades along the way and search together to finish faster.


The should check the entire interior up until the next area change, and outside in places like camps they should check a certain radius and their comrades should do the same.


In any case I just find it hard to feel like I am sneaking around when it is so easy to do it.

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I'm not sure how relevant this is, but I think it would be interesting to have more happily-married-type dialogue with your spouse, instead of your only spouse-centered dialogue being "has the store made any money?" or "would you mind cooking something for me?" Just an idea.
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I'm not sure how relevant this is, but I think it would be interesting to have more happily-married-type dialogue with your spouse, instead of your only spouse-centered dialogue being "has the store made any money?" or "would you mind cooking something for me?" Just an idea.


I think that would be something to bring up in the romance thread, I think the OP is more about gameplay factors and less about NPC dialogue. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/515892-romance-mod-if-you-are-into-modding-please-read-this/

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hi guys, i love this topi,really, but are u sure that 10 phrases can solve the problem?i believe that a guard with 30 quotes will be annoying just later.

we are wondering about ck, but we an approximated idea about this future tool?

cause maybe we can dream higher creating a dynamic quote generator to have nearly endless immersion.

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OP, I know people will love to disagree with this, but for me personally - the armor/weapon sets are awful.


It looks more like a fashion parade than any kind of serious protection.


More Fur armor types should've been in the game. Everything should have a steel sheen instead of being made of glass/ebony/gold.


Mammoth Fur Armor could be a heavy armor.


Another immersion breaker for me is the setup of the hero as the protagonist in many situations where the reasons for it are dubious at best.

"I've been in this job in the thieves guild for 20 years, but I really think you should be the next thieves guild leader instead of me, cause that's the kind of thief I am?"

What a load of bulls***, come on it's got such a spoonful of brady bunch niceness in it from people who's very job it is not to be nice.

Why am I arch mage when I haven't even got past novice?

Why am I assassins guild leader of 4 people and I'm never there and there's nothing to manage in any of these jobs anyhow?


Why'd they do this?


The spurious reasoning for all these leadership roles is really awful, gamebreaking, anti-immersive and stops people from adding mods to give you missions from the "new guild leader" later on.


Bethesda do great with engines and graphics, but gameplay and story they need some help with.


This ^^. Just this, multiplied by the number one higher than the biggest number I can imagine.


I agree. A lot.

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So your Brynjolfs new protege.... DUDE wtf I am a the guild leader have collected the crown of barenziah, have killed your old guild leader, have become a nightinggale, have stolen over 100000 items in game... I am no damn protege...


I think probably the first thing to work on is the npcs awareness of your role and not like some stupid check of your skill level and a random oh you and your honey words... blah blah blah

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What about reminding the blades of that they're there to serve the dragonborn, not vice versa, when they ask me to carry out revenge for something that took place in the first era. And I think Parthurnax is too awesome to die for some old grudge.


And the kids... they make my character's sword hand itch. Would 13-year-old you try to belittle someone who comes in the most sinister looking armor and with a weapon dealing 500 2h damage? If they're to be immortal, they shouldn't have given us incentive to test that plot shield of theirs.


Pretty much anything that is repetitive dialogue, unless it's very, very generic like "khajiit guards your back."


And how can guards know if my sneak skill, light armor skill, or whatever skill is more than 30?

Edited by GisleAune
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For my two cents...


Recognition of you being the Dragonborn is a must. When you kill that first dragon outside Whiterun, EVERY guard that belongs to that hold should recognise YOU for that win. Instead they act as though it was just another thing. Not being recognised as "The Dragonborn" really kills things for me. This should also be a global awareness but I think only after the Greybeards have proclaimed you to be Dovakin.

The first time you kill a dragon in a town and everyone runs over in shock is fine but when they repeat this process and the same lines every consecutive time you kill a dragon in the town, it get's stupid.

Another breaker that isn't dialog related but could be fixed via script are the shopkeepers that get killed by dragons. In Riverwood and Dawnstar both smiths got whacked by the dragons attacking. The guards are supposed to protect the town, since when does a blacksmith or shopkeeper think they have the guff to take on a dragon? So a script that forces the shopkeepers to hide in their homes when dragons attack would be welcome.


Nobody else is running around Skyrim killing dragons so a nice touch would be a script that tracks how many you kill and adds that number to a rumor dialog "Hey i've heard that you've killed a lot of dragons. Some say as many as (xx)"

There's also the matter of requests made by various guards that go nowhere. A random guard comment about you being an enchanter and asks if you could enchant their weapon because it's dull. Wouldn't it be nice if could react to these requests or comments? Make a suit of dragonscale for that guard who said he'd give anything for one. Or upgrade that sword that was so dull.


The economy in Skyrim is also completely busted seeing as how you are the only person in Skyrim that is actually buying/ selling anything. A script that would allow npc's to interact with shopkeepers would make the whole trade system feel more alive.

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This feels like it's way out in left field but it's a major immersion breaker for me and I believe many others.

The linear path of pregression that the game forces on the player.


You start as a nobody cought up in someone else's mess and the first thing you're told when you're free is that you should probably go your own way. Sure if you could you likely would. I tried it and found there was much I couldn't do in the way of leading a normal life until I informed the Whiterun Jarl of the dragon. As far as a nobody goes that SHOULD have been the extent of my involvement. Further I get forced into hunting down a stone in a dungeon because oddly enouph the woodcutters axe on my hip suggests I must be a dungeon explorer. Then we get to the Jarl, and his line about you being the most experienced in dragon slaying is priceless. There should be a rebuttal dialog option "Almost being charbroiled by a dragon and managing to run fast enouph to escape hardly constitutes the ability to win a fight with a dragon! No thank you, I like living."

This goes on and it's irritating, I should be able to JUST PLAY. Much of this stuff would be fixed via dialog and/or scripts that would give the player the option of role playing and without forcing the storyline, guideing them gently into situations that prompted these questlines. I don't know what and won't be doable with the CK but I eagerly await it's release and I certainly intend to add my own contribution.

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