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Need help with a specific console command...


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Basically what I want to do is work for all 3 factions (Mr House, the NCR and the Legion) right up untill the final few missions where for example, you have to assassinate Kimball.


Unfortunately this means that Mr House has to be killed early on, in Render unto Caesar, and then again (if I didn't do it the first time) in for the republic.


What I want to know is if there is a console command for completing specific parts of quests, without actually doing them in person (i.e a console command that will kick off the scripts needed for continuing the Render unto Caesar quest but not stop me from doing the House always wins)



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Couldn't you just enter CompleteQuest 00129d14

This should complete quest 00129d14 (otherwise known as "Render Unto Caesar")

I don't remember using the command in the past so it could screw things up.


Good Luck


EDIT: That might automatically fail the quests for Mr House :/

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Hmm, well I have thought of doing that, but there are 2 issues with it really...


1) When I've done that kind of thing in the past, it didn't seem to make the scripts kick in, and so speech and stuff remained the same



2) There is also the problem of it doesn't allow me to play the way I want to play, i.e. triple crossing - I appreciate the help though.


What I want is a console command which can complete specific objectives within a quest, rather than the quest itself.

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