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Where to sell things?


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3k+ mods, its just like it in real they buy stuff cheap sell it for more, then buy your stuff cheap so on... its kinda common knowledge. :)

get better speech skill and better price enchants for them to buy your stuff from you for more money, also you can invest gold into merchants so they have more money. or not get that one mod which makes them have like 10k gold. :thumbsup:

Edited by Guss
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also i noticed that their gold respawns everyday for me on V1.1 PC. so i go raid come back sell. mess around in town for a bit, till the next day, gold is back. :biggrin:
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its a bit of a pain but theres a reward for it, the game is trying to make you wander to every store

to sell your stuff, and since your there you might as well think ahead.


if you are interested in enchanting later on (but not now, I need to up my X skills)

when you sell at a shop and they run outta money, consider picking up

a few soul gems, same goes if your smithing later, pick up ingots / leather


same for alchemy.


Always buy out the best arrows at evry store for ex, even if your not

an archer. Better to use glass than iron if your a half ass archer anyway.


so doing this buy and sell helps boost your speech perk and all the other

crafting perks (in the future due to stockpileing)


the speech perk that allows you to sell anything to anyone is

a huge and critical perk. you might even want to train speechcraft

to rush for it.


speechcraft training at: Windhelm Pawn shop - do a quest for owner,

he can train you to lvl 50.


Winterhold: Bards guild can train the hell out of your speechcraft.

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If there's any training you want, many trainers are also shopkeepers and the money you give them for training goes into their store inventory. So you could spend some money training light armor at the market in Riften then sell some stuff to get that money back (the armor trainer buys almost anything, she's like a general store).
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