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Cute Engine Bug


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its either my mod list causing this or its a rather interesting bug in the game engine to do with recipes


seems that if the output of a recipe has more lines in it than the input . . . when you get to the workbench it displays the output rather than the input


for instance


you take 3 tincans (one line) and produce a scrap metal and a bent tin can (odd example, but it works for discussion)


the workbench will display the scrap and bent can rather than the 3 tincans in.


now if you change this input line to be 1 tin can - three times

it will display the 3 lines of single tin cans

(of course this won't actually produce the same results, as a single tin can will satisfy all 3 input requirements)


clearly the engine isn't deciding what to display by category, but rather by how long the category is

Edited by Fonger
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