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So... I kinda broke spells


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So, I don't know if it's a mod or not, but I'm assuming it is.

Anyway, I made a new char, a paladin, and using skyrim unbound, I gave myself a few spells.

Well, when I started my game, I equipped my spells, and tried casting one.

It said I didn't have enough magicka, but my magicka was full. So, I checked the cost of the spell (icewind) and it costs 1341 magicka. I'm not even joking.



Spells cost a LOT more than normal, and I need help.

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There is not enough information here to help.


What level is your character?


How much magicka does he have?


What level is that spell?


What school is it?


What is your skill in that school?


What perks do you have in that school?


How much magicka does it cost in a Vanilla game, at your character's level, skill level in that school and perks?


What mods do you have?


I don't recall that spell from vanilla, so it must be a mod.


Do you have Requiem? That whacks up the difficulty right there.






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I'm pretty sure the spell is basically frostbite

-I'm level 2

-I have 80 magicka

-the spell is level 1 (it marks it as fundamental, which i'm pretty sure is novice)

-It's a destruction spell

-my skill is around 10-11

-I have no perks

-I have absolutely no clue

-(i can post my load order if i have to, i have 158 mods)

Yes, i have requiem


EDIT: i found the spell in the requiem players handbook, it says it costs 40 magicka normally

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