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beautiful people underwear mod


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Basically I have beautiful people installed 2.7 and I want to change the default underwear. How would I go about doing that? Or can one of you guys out there do it? I searched for all the underwear mods out there so I could change the color at least, but none of them worked... :verymad: :verymad: :wallbash: :wallbash: I believe it is because I am using 2.7 beautiful people, so how can you get the default underwear changed?


I tried looking at all the files that beautiful people added but none of them change the underwear, and I tried copying and pasting mods out there but they didn't work. Is the under supposed to be a special name?


Any help would be appreciated, and if you know of a file that already does it post that here too!


Thanks :thanks: ,


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Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!


I didn't know that Exnem's mod would be compatible with beautiful people! :(


:wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

dang it so now it replaces the body when all I wanted was the underwear changed...


Is there a way to keep the ren mystic elf's body and be able to change the underwear?


While exnem did work it changed the body so i am back to square one...


Is there any specfic mods for ren's mystic elves to change their underwear?

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Ok, LFact do you know of a way to change the texture on the default underwear?

Because I don't want exnem's body replacer. I just want to keep the mystic elf tattooed body and just change the texture of the underwear...


Anyone know of mods that could do that?

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or this one may be better:




the second one is Rens and Exnems compatibility though it's a nude not undies... but perhaps it will be a comprimise or something. it's probably the best I can find.

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For body replacers and custom races, you should get body texture for the body replacer you use. For Mystic Elves, see this. And, though I'm not modder, I don't think there's a way to change underware just for one race. If you change underware texture, it will apply to every races.
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