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Mod Organizer Load Order


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(sorry for my english) i'm almost done setting all the mods for starting a new game but MO got me.

there are mods that have more esp files all together, but the MO's esp load order (the panel on the right) shows those esps scattered throughout the list and not one after another.

should i grab those esp and load them as separated mods or it's fine to keep the esp all together in the same package where they got installed?

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Load order (right pane in MO) does not require every plugin for a mod to be grouped together. What you need to make sure happens is that any plugins which have other plugins as masters are listed below the masters and not above. LOOT should handle that for you. You can use Wrye Bash to examine the color coding of the plugins to help determine if any are out of order. If the plugins are all blue (ESM files) and green (ESP files) then your load order is good to go. Beyond that, you can load your entire load order in xEdit and examine the records of any plugins that you have concerns regarding position. If nothing is changing the records beyond what you expect or want, then it is fine to leave in the current position.


The above is for mods which purposefully provide multiple plugins which are intended to work together. Perhaps because you installed a mod with a FOMOD installer and it also installed patches for mods that you already had installed. On the other hand, if the mod provides multiple plugins because each one does something different to the same thing and you are supposed to pick one (i.e. a candlelight spell mod where one plugin does blue and another does red) then you want to move the extra plugins into the optional box (right click, information, optional esps tab).

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Load order (right pane in MO) does not require every plugin for a mod to be grouped together. What you need to make sure happens is that any plugins which have other plugins as masters are listed below the masters and not above. LOOT should handle that for you. You can use Wrye Bash to examine the color coding of the plugins to help determine if any are out of order. If the plugins are all blue (ESM files) and green (ESP files) then your load order is good to go. Beyond that, you can load your entire load order in xEdit and examine the records of any plugins that you have concerns regarding position. If nothing is changing the records beyond what you expect or want, then it is fine to leave in the current position.


The above is for mods which purposefully provide multiple plugins which are intended to work together. Perhaps because you installed a mod with a FOMOD installer and it also installed patches for mods that you already had installed. On the other hand, if the mod provides multiple plugins because each one does something different to the same thing and you are supposed to pick one (i.e. a candlelight spell mod where one plugin does blue and another does red) then you want to move the extra plugins into the optional box (right click, information, optional esps tab).

thanks for your answer. yeah i have installed a lot of mod packaged as fomod. wrye bash gives some mod colored orange but if it is no harm then i'm ready to go.


thank you again.

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