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In dwemers we trust


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Both could work. In Morrowind, i would have said Red, because all the lenses, optics and varous sundry accents were red, but in Skyrim there are a lot of blue tones to counteract the warm golds of the metal. Both work for artistic reasons. The only other consideration would be to link it to the particular type of energy attack a creature has.
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Blue it is. Heres the updated image of my Dwemer Roller. I've decided I'm going to make the weapons or firing spots on the Dwemer constructs glow a pale blue, so you can know when your in trouble. :thumbsup:




So I haven't made a glow map yet, but I will. I'll probably post it on the 3rd of January.

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@ Lachdonin: Im not sure if you can recall that thing that almost destroyed bruma in oblvion, thats what i see as siege weapon *smirks* Imagine some huge spider legged "fortess" or why not a skyship dreadnought vs a fortress. I tell ya.. if i would need to decide between some werewolfs and a skyship armed with ballistas that spawns countless centurions then i guess my choice would be the skyship XD.


As for the "glow" and colour details i guess the blue looks quite good huntsman2310. It fits very good to your awesome roller:)

I decided to include more colour types in my mods.. fitting to the type of centurio. Like red glowing eyes, red steam and burning weapons for the pyro centurions,

purple glowing eyes and steam for the "mage" centurions, black smoke and black glow for the posessed machines and assassin centurions, a shiny green for everything that works with poison..etc...

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The big battles are one of the parts what I'm most excited for. Obviously the Falmer are a great choice for an opponent, but they really don't pose too much of a threat to the Dwemer automatons unless they outnumber them. In their current form that is...
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Its wierd you talked about reverse engeneering because just now I had written a post about the exact same thing. It's about hot air balloons and is in the mod request forum becuse I'm not a modder and didnt intned to make the mod.


But ya it does seem strange that skyrim has been atop dwememer ruins filled with still working tech and the most advanced tech they have onthe surface are windmills and water wheels.


I would have thought that someone would have seen the simple effect of heat on air and water.


If medaeval people were atop the ruins of a computer using civilizatizion, htey wouldn't be able to reverse engeneer a computer but they could exeamine keyboards and come up with typewriters and block printing.


the hot air balloon was first used in 1783. 18th century europe was a few hundred years more advanced than skyrim but they weren't sitting atop a more technologically advanced civilization which they could learn from.


Anyhoozle I invite any modding capable readers to take a look at my thoughts.


Here's the post in the mod requests section.



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falmers look weak compared to a centurio..true. But dont worry, that can be fixed. Falmers where once a very powerfull elfen kind, and even if they are now degenerated and crippled "goblins" (like i call em) i sometimes got a hard time with them, i guess with some additions like true shamans, warlords some chaurus based beasts (like chaurus swarms, big chaurus thingies or oversized chaurus beasts with some archer nest on the back), maybe some siege weapons (they got already traps that are similar to a catapult, so i guess they would have the intelligence to make some) and some extra thick chaurus plate armors + a few heros and champions would give a decent threat to any centurion army...if not an overhelming threat. And with a bit voice acting and some to the lore fitting falmer god, artifact or other powerfull thingie it would be also reasonable why a big hord of them gathers and defends...or attacks. It would be cool if it would be somehow...lets say lord of the ring style..like in helms deep. Simply replace the uruks through falmer..and the humans through some centurions, bring that into a dwemer ruin that borders on a (very) big cave. To spice that up put some nice scripting work in it to command the centurions to survive (daily) waves of the falmer army, some epic encounters where the player needs to face a falmer champ in a 1 vs.1 and decent load of falmer lore and speaking falmers (some rattling and whispering voice..i guess you get the idea). That there is already a script that makes it possible to have some nice team death match is already shown in the game.. and with some extra spice (like much bigger and longer battles, more troops and stuff) it would be entertaining enough..even over longer times. To that then some engeneering and superior dwemer equip + a very own and fully custom army of steam ,cogs and magic + the ability to use, build and grow the army also after the questline however the player wants should be quite enough for a good quest.

The reason for the fight could be a misunderstanding of the falmer that still thing that they fight the dwemers. Well.. try to prove them that you arent a dwemer lol. So the base would be already there without any extra work or long lore that would lead to it. Simply put the player (maybe together with a dwemer researcher) into a ruin, let the ceilling collapse and the thing is rolling... all thats left to do is to build, to command and to have a good time.

Edited by Basaltface
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I'm in the process of putting Glow maps on my creations and I'll post some pics tommorow.


One question though, now that they have Glowmaps, will they show up in Nifskope?


Dont think they do... atleast, they didn't for FO:NV... but hey, different dev, different game.. who knows :P

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I think the main reason a Nord hasn't reverse engineered any Dwemer tech is there intense hatred of any magic. They would see Dwemer devices as magical and wouldn't want anything to do with them. It would take the Dragonborn to see the advantages of these inventions and make them work.


I hope you add some quests into this and not just make weapons and armor. Having a workshop to craft the items would be sweet. Maybe need to find blueprints in the other Dwemer ruins. When I'm exploring I find it strange there is little left in the ruins. Like they packed up and left. They didn't leave any thing behind. But I keep looking in hopes there is something left.

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