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In dwemers we trust


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I posted here previously about Dwemer-sounding names but I felt I should post again.


First and foremost, huntsman2310, your models are amazing! I'd love to work with you in the future (see my signature link).


The reason I feel like posting again is because my quest mod, "Kind of Blue", will have a Dwemer ruin that the player needs to explore and find something. This isn't just any ruin and the player isn't just finding any something. The ruin the player needs to seek out is the production facility for the fungus that the Dwemer gave the Falmer. What does the player need to find? That very fungus.


The ruin's name, as per the random name generator a few pages back, will be Bthralda-Knzel and the fungus (which is never given a name in lore) will be simply called Falmer's Bane.


I felt obligated to post here since this seems to be the main Dwemer thread and now you guys are talking about Falmer. If you want to know more about what I'll be including or how I'm envisioning certain things, feel free to either reply here or post in my quest topic (I'm following both). Thanks!

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@ darthmomis: Well.. dont worry. Every piece of equipment, every spell and every companion...and what else could be crafted actually needs to be crafted. Course you need blueprints and\or recipes + parts and skills in crafting, enchanting and alchemy (maybe also speechcraft cause i think about to use that skill to be able to read dwemer books ´n stuff) and also a fitting work bench (in case it is possible to create new work benches without to rewrite the whole engine or stuff) to piece together everything. I can ensure that there will be weapons and armors that for sure no dwemer ever invented, but where would be the fun if you could not build some more...lets say crazy and unique contraptions. I will display what i mean in the first mod that im going to upload, thats basically the only mod i got in mind without any questline cause it will only add my personal armoury and spellbooks in a chest..somewhere.


Here some facts what you can expect in every mod (except the one that adds my personal armoury):

- To build a new contraption\armor\weapon\spellbook you will need recipes, blueprints, fitting parts and skill

- Some of the parts\blueprints you will be able to find in locations of the questlines, and some will be added to random containers in dwemer ruins

- Some contraptions can be crafted without blueprint, i call them "common sense items" (extra spikes on armors, stick with some cogs on it as mace...etc)

- There will be "crossover contraptions" that use magical artifacts or potions and machine parts

- There will be many different types of companion centurions

- The centurions can be crafted like equipment and serve then as perma companions (until they are destroyed)

- For summoners (like me) there will be the option to craft spellbooks (or lexicon cubes) to summon each centurio for a timespan..like any usual summoning

- Same counts for some weapons and contraptions (like the sigil stone staff or the portable oblvion portal)

- Smaller centurions (like spiders) can be carried in the inventory and deployed at need (good for non mages)

- Big contraptions (like portable ballistas) can be summoned or constructed with fitting "part sets" (basically a drop and build thingy.. like tose tents in oblivion mods)

- "Mounts" can be destroyed, crafted and be summoned like centurions

- Some items will grant special abilities if worn (like new spells) but if they get removed, then also the ability will be removed

- There will be always a "i dont give a s**t" plugin included that simply spawns somewhere a chest with all new things (for those who dont want a quest.. only the stuff)

- None of my mods will alter any in game location or enemie.

- If an armor or clothing piece contains a mechanical limb, there will be always an optional nif that removes things like that (for those who think its lore killing)

- There will be contraptions and equipment for every way to play (mage, warrior, assassin)

Edited by Basaltface
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@darthmomis: If I have my way then there is for sure going to be an awesome immersive quest line to go along with all of Basalt's amazing Dwemer technology. I'm working on it as we speak :)


@huntsman2310: I know you said you have your own mods going on but I think we could potentially use your skills on Basalt's mod. We really haven't actually decided on whether we are a team, as that is all Basalt's call and I haven't really asked yet. But we could use you, your skills, and your input

Edited by SnowElf
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I think the main reason a Nord hasn't reverse engineered any Dwemer tech is there intense hatred of any magic. They would see Dwemer devices as magical and wouldn't want anything to do with them.



But... The Dwemer devices ARE magical...


Don't be fooled by the steam engines and gears, the Dwemer were exceptionally well versed in magic. So much so that modern scholars fight over every scrap of Dwemer tonal-lore. The Dwemer were, to our knowlege, the paramount artificers in techno-magic, as in they combines hard science with magical science in almost everything they did. This is clearly seen in the designs of their creations. The Centurions run off an internal boiler, powered by Soul Stones. The Dwemer orrery's react directly to magic. The most famous Dwemer artifacts are enchanted to a degree which no living Mage could manage.


The Dwemer are not just Steampunk Elves in the TES universe, they were masters of science and magic, particularly because they used a scientific method on everything. Rather than atributing Magicka soley to the gods, they worked to understand its nature, and thus could do things with Magic that no one before or since has been able to.

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I think the main reason a Nord hasn't reverse engineered any Dwemer tech is there intense hatred of any magic. They would see Dwemer devices as magical and wouldn't want anything to do with them.



But... The Dwemer devices ARE magical...


Don't be fooled by the steam engines and gears, the Dwemer were exceptionally well versed in magic. So much so that modern scholars fight over every scrap of Dwemer tonal-lore. The Dwemer were, to our knowlege, the paramount artificers in techno-magic, as in they combines hard science with magical science in almost everything they did. This is clearly seen in the designs of their creations. The Centurions run off an internal boiler, powered by Soul Stones. The Dwemer orrery's react directly to magic. The most famous Dwemer artifacts are enchanted to a degree which no living Mage could manage.


The Dwemer are not just Steampunk Elves in the TES universe, they were masters of science and magic, particularly because they used a scientific method on everything. Rather than atributing Magicka soley to the gods, they worked to understand its nature, and thus could do things with Magic that no one before or since has been able to.


@Lachdonin: I think you are supporting darth's point :)


Also, for those who watch this thread that are modders, have you guys heard/tried using SkyEdit to mod? If so, is it relatively new-modder friendly, in the sense that one could figure out how to use it even if they are brand-spanking new to modding?

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I only plan on starting actual moddding when the Creation Kit comes out, that way it gives me time to fine tune my models and my plans for how the mod will be made.


I have a bit of experience with the GECK so I'm confident I can use the Creation Kit to its fullest given enough time.

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- "Mounts" can be destroyed, crafted and be summoned like centurions

When I think of Dwemer mounts, I think of Dinotopia.




I've also spoken to SnowElf and I'd love to get in on this, if you'll let me. I've updated my quest topic with additional information on the Dwemer ruin I've thought up. I can explain more here if people want me to.

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@Basaltface - I wish I could talk you out of the summoning aspect of your ideas. It all sounds excellent save for this. There is sense in summoning the dremora and atronarchs, they are warping in from an alternate plane. But the Dwemer stuff are physical machines. The summoning makes no sense to me.
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I do agree with Meatbomb on his point. Summoned things come from Oblivion. You could teleport-summon them from wherever you built them, such as the engineering station, but you would have to build them first and have them sit in a waiting queue. I don't particularly like that solution, because teleporting doesn't really have a time-limit like summoning does, and killing them shouldn't send them back to where they came from, they should blow up. Not lore-friendly.


@Adolon: That thing is awesome! And there could be a two-legged version with arms that have attacks, and you could build them with different kinds of arms! Very nice

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