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In dwemers we trust


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@ Meatbomb: Well.. ill explain you how i got that summoning in mind. As it was mentoned already.. dwemer stuff is magical. So i thought about to simply "bind" the centurion summonings on a lexicon cube. I´ll explain closer. I got the idea in the main questline as i got one of those cubes and needed to use it as "hard drive" for that insane guy. So i decided that those cubes will serve me well as "spell container". So but how will that work? You will need to build a centurio on a regular way, then you will need to kill your centurio and remove the power source that will be a soul gem that mated with a small engine. I call it "centurio heart piece" for now.

With those 2 components you go then to a special machine where the cube fits in and also the heart piece, you put both in that device, pull the lever and "zap". The cube is charged and you got a new spell to learn. But to build such a cube will be a difficult thing. I dont got a blueprint for that so far.. but i got a bit time for that lol.

Anyways.. there will be still a lot of mana needed to use those spells then.


But that will not be the only way to summon something... Lets talk about sigil stones lol. Im sure we all know what those things did in oblivion, so why they should not do the same in skyrim? An oblivion portal is a physical frame that focuses the energy of a sigil stone and creates a rift between the plane of merunes dagon and the world here. There is not really much rocket science in that system. So lets create a handheld oblvion portal.. a staff that uses such a sigil stone as energy source, or maybe a bigger portal that summons daedra like it would go apeshit. I talk about dremora and atronarchs of all kinds. Very usefull for summoners that prever to stand back and watch hordes of non machinated creatures storm a fortress.


And "lore friendly".. i guess we can skip that in this point guys.. You can summon beeings from this plane too, such as wolves, those tree demons and stuff.

And i dont think they come from another plane lol. Anyways.. to summon them will be optional. It dont means you need to summon them. If you dont want it, then simply build a perma centurion and you should be fine. Of course they will have all things of a real companion (carry stuff, can be ordered to do stuff..etc) and they will take a lot more damage until they are destroyed . But the summoned ones will only follow and fight until the time is over.. then they fade away (or blow up) like a usual summoned beeing.


@ Adolon: And thats pretty much the same i got in mind lol. I plan to make 2..or 3 versions of those "mule centurions" (like i call em). 4 legged machines with a saddle. an engine, some bags and a ranged weapon (flamethrower for now)..and of course their legs and body itself to tackle foes down. They will be slower then horses but take a lot more damage (and dont go into fights except attacked by a beast). And they will be able to carry your stuff... (of course)

Edited by Basaltface
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I do agree with Meatbomb on his point. Summoned things come from Oblivion. You could teleport-summon them from wherever you built them, such as the engineering station, but you would have to build them first and have them sit in a waiting queue. I don't particularly like that solution, because teleporting doesn't really have a time-limit like summoning does, and killing them shouldn't send them back to where they came from, they should blow up. Not lore-friendly.

I guess you could consider teleporting just to be a form of Mark and Recall from Morrowind: a thing is Marked (instead of a place) and using Recall sends it to you instead of you to it. That would explain the lack of a time-limit like summoning which is probably incredibly more complicated than just moving across Nirn.


@Adolon: That thing is awesome! And there could be a two-legged version with arms that have attacks, and you could build them with different kinds of arms! Very nice

What's cool about the Dinotopia mechs (called Strutters in the books) is that they're powered by a large crystal called a Sunstone. Just replace the Sunstone with a Grand Soul Gem and you've got yourself a Dwemer mount. They come in different shapes too. One looks like a horseshoe crab.



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I suppose you are right. That could work, the way you've explained it, though Conjuration is exclusively from the realms other than Nirn. That Lexicon solves all those worries though. Putting the memory of the form of the automaton in the Lexicon and summoning it, in a different sense, forth from there is very cool, and I honestly would not have thought of it. You the man, Basalt :D
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well.. whoever painted that awesome pictures is a god with the brush. It shows pretty much my idea how such an armor will look like. Basically centurio like arms and legs that are mounted on an armor..or clothing set...or better lets say "build arround"

I got a few versions in mind already, a heavy one, a light one and one that is basically "unarmored". I guess i dont need to explain the heavy and the light one very close. But i feel like i would need to explain the "unarmored" version.

Basically its only the "exo skeleton" without any armor plates. So how could this be usefull? Easy to explain because without extra weight or other restrictions it would be perfect to make the user far faster in running, make the hand to hand skill better and let the user also carry more stuff. I also thought about to let the user jump higher.. but basically all dungeons that are in the game are build arround the players limited jumping height..so i guess i will keep it that way. But i guess it could grant a perk that lets the user ignore fall damage to a higher degree, what dont means that to jump from a mountain will not harm the player lol. But to jump from a watch tower without to take damage would be fitting. Well..and im sure i could script there something together that causes extra damage to the players backside (because there will be the engine that powers that thing up) so it would be "realistic" (that word sucks in tes a lot XD) enough i guess.

Edited by Basaltface
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I sure hope that in this game making a crossbow will be able to be done better then for oblivion, i still can't believe they aren't implemented in this game, you'd expected to be invented in 200 years...
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The crossbow was in Morrowind, but since Skyrim's animation sets are unlikely to be hard-coded, I think many weapon styles from Morrowind could be brought back.


Also I'm making a new Dwemer weapon set, it will just be an enhanced copy of the base Dwemer weapons.


I'm calling them energized versions. They'll have a bonus against artifical constructs and humanoids.

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