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Converting Vanilla Fallout 3 content Fallout New Vegas


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I'm not sure if this kind of topic is appropriate, and I apologize if it's inappropriate. I was wondering if I could convert the Raider Wastehound Helmet (Vanilla Fallout 3) and the Metal Master Armor (The Pitt DLC - Fallout 3) and bring these armor pieces into Fallout New Vegas. I do not know where the textures and meshes are in the Fallout 3 directory, however I can access these items in the Fallout 3 GECK. I do not know how to convert and bring them into Fallout 3. Thank you for your input, much appreciated!
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Thank you for being polite. Though you really should search these kinds of matters, there are countless threads relating to yours.


Plain and simple, you CANNOT bring vanilla meshes and textures that are exclusive to Fallout 3 into Fallout New Vegas. Notice how I said "exclusively", for there are a wide variety of recycled assets that were used in FNV from FO3. You only asked about vanilla content, so there's no point touching on modded content based off of fallout 3 assets (porting clothing and armors to NV, for example). If interested, there are plenty of tutorials explaining how to do so. You just have to look.


Finally, like I said earlier, a large selection of meshes used in FO3 can be found in the FNV bsa's if you just browse it (BSA Browser via a Mod Manager).



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1. Do you want it for yourself?

Unpack fallout 3 bsa and copy-paste as needed.


2. Want to distribute it? Not a very high-caliber mod, but things like that have been done on much greater scale.

You can do this, if you require that the player has the original Fallout 3 - then he just has to copy-paste Fallout 3's bsa into New Vegas directory. Some need to be renamed. Distributing the meshes would not be in terms with copyright, however ridiculous it is.

Not worth it for a single helmet of course.

Edited by FMod
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I believe the raider hats are still in Fallout: New Vegas as actual working items. To make the second armor you could just cut off sections of the metal armor mesh if said mesh is not in Fallout: New Vegas.


Basically you shouldnt have to port for this mod and it will be allowed on this site.

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