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Faces not saving (Construction Set)


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I'm at my wit's end as to what is going on.


I've been trying to change faces of a few companions I downloaded and it never seems to save after I exit construction set or load a new .esp file. Instead, it reverts back to the a default no hair look every single time. Any ideas? I'm simply generating a new face and adding a new hairstyle from Ren's.

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When you're doing that are you loading Oblivion.esm, the Ren's esp and your companion esp with the companion esp as the active file? Unfortunately the CS can't use esp files as masters (esm files). Here's a CS Wiki article on mod De-Isolation that explains the situation in more detail, and offers solutions.
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I believe you can use Wrye Bash to exchange faces between saves. It is not a simple utility, in part because it is really the 'Swiss Army Knife' of Oblivion utilities. Here's a link to the Wrye Bash section on Wrye Musings (it does mention the face exchange), and I would recommend reading the documentation that comes with the download. If you use the installer version the manual will be available after running the installer (I know ... for a program this complicated you can't access the manual until after you've installed ... makes no sense to me either, there should be a download link for just the manual). If you don't already use Wrye Bash I'd suggest the Wrye Bash 295-2 - Installer at the top of the list, as it should get everything needed properly installed, including the manual.
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