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We need... birds


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Obviously will require the creation kit.


But walking around yesterday, I was once again thinking how cool the flora and fauna were and realised something was missing. There's no real birds. I know there are the hawks.


What would be cool would be to see what you see in nature. Sparrows (and other?) birds just flittting from tree to tree occasionally.

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Yeah, for all of the foxes, rabbits, goats and (many, although with same name) deer, definitely missing some critters.


Need to add quail, pheasant, turkey, hawks that actually do something instead for circling 24/7, murders of crows, eagles, ravens, vultures feeding on the dead.

change to owls at night. Seagulls nearer to the coast (Flock of Seagulls perhaps)

Flocks of sparrow, starlings. Huge flocks that blot out the sun.


-How about Eagles and Osprey fishing in the lakes and ocean?


Give them all schedules, like the people. Hawks should find a nest at night.

Black bears.


Fix the wolves' look. Oblivion's wolves look good, Skryim, not so much

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Yeah, we definitely do need these, especially considering there are nests with eggs in them laying around everywhere, and no obvious birds that laid these eggs. Strange. I adore this game but I'm completely mystified by some of the decisions that they made for it, like the missing birds and crates that no longer serve as containers.
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I'd love to hear an owl "hoo-ing" as I roam the forests at night!!! I love the idea of birds. It's things like this that you subconsciously know the game is missing but sometimes you dont even notice it yourself...until someone else mentions it.


Seeing quails or families of them running around for you to watch or hunt would be awesome. It'd add more food ingredients to the game too and give us more recipes. This plus a mod that makes food more important is something I know I'll definitely be looking forward to once CK drops.

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