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Skyrim Mods Not Detecting Nexus Mod Manager


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So, my story goes like this: whenever I try to download any mods for skyrim I get a pop-up message that says the nexus mod manager is not set up to work with skyrim and that if skyrim is installed I should rescan for installed games.


Yes, I do realize how simple that sounds. Thing is, I did that before even trying to download a mod but figured I'd do it again just to be sure. Yet I got the same problem after scanning again.


This is odd because according to the NMM skyrim was detected and I clicked the green check mark. So then I wondered if maybe the path is wrong so I manually checked that. It's correct. Skyrim is installed and playable (even SKSE is but that's not relevant, I think).


Even though I modded Fallout 4 quite extensively with the NMM prior to this I feel like I'm making a rookie's mistake somewhere this time around. Could somebody please offer his/her two cents? Any help provided is much appreciated.




I have tried reinstalling the NMM to no avail.

Edited by Shahbanu
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