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Cheaper shipments


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If I'm trying to buy fertilizer to make jet with, I can buy a shipment of 25 of the stuff for 300 caps. However, each individual fertilizer is only worth 1 cap. I'm paying a 275-cap markup to get the shipments!


Now, I understand the whole idea of paying for convenience, but this is ridiculous! That's like saying "Oh, you're out of food and it's three days until next payday? Tell you what: I'll lend you twenty bucks for you to get some groceries, and in exchange, you pay me back a thousand bucks in a week! Sounds rough? Well, what choice do you have?! It's me, or starvation!"


I understand paying extra for the convenience of getting 25 at one time, but this is ridiculous.


I'd like to see a mod that makes shipment prices more reasonable. Like ... 30 caps for a shipment where the individual materials wold cost only 1 cap each. Shipments of wood and steel only come in shipments of 50 and 100, so their prices can be reduced to 60 and 110 caps, respectively; I think that's fair.


Anyone second this request?

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The key word that you're missing is "shipment." You're getting supplies shipped to you. Some poor schmuck has to take your one hundred units of steel, strap it to a two-headed cow and then herd that cow across a raider-infested wasteland to get to your settlement because you didn't want to pick up and carry the scrap that is abundantly available for free throughout the commonwealth. Hell yeah they charge for it, hell no they don't care that it's "just fertilizer" or "wouldn't be that expensive if I carried my own." They're still risking their necks to get it to you, so they're going to expect you to pay what their neck is worth. It's not ridiculous, nor is it unfair. It's just the price you pay to have other people do your grunt work.

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I think, that shipments are to cheap. Who would carry tons of stuff through the wasteland for so few caps?


But this is a very good start to make a mod yourself. Get FO4edit and change the prices yourself. This takes 3 minutes of download and install, 5:51m to watch a tutorial like this

(changing damage and changing prices are done in the same way)


and 1 minute to change the prices of all shipments. They can be found under "misc items"

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Well, I've TRIED downloading the Creation Kit! But every time I try to launch it, it just says that I'm missing a DLL file. When I download the DLL file and try to launch the CK again, it just says I'm missing another DLL file (it's as if the app can't just tell me ALL the DLL files I'm missing so I can just download them all at once).


But even when I finish downloading all the DLL files, it just says I'm missing some sort of entry point, and I have no idea how to solve that.

So I've basically just thrown my hands in the air and said "Fugget, I'm done."

Hell, why can't the Creation Kit just come with all the damned DLL files it needs? Why do I have to download MORE god damned files? Why can't I just download the damn Creation Kit, run the installer app, and BOOM, the Creation Kit works?! THIS ISN'T ROCKET SCIENCE!

Edited by stebbinsd
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The key word that you're missing is "shipment." You're getting supplies shipped to you. Some poor schmuck has to take your one hundred units of steel, strap it to a two-headed cow and then herd that cow across a raider-infested wasteland to get to your settlement because you didn't want to pick up and carry the scrap that is abundantly available for free throughout the commonwealth. Hell yeah they charge for it, hell no they don't care that it's "just fertilizer" or "wouldn't be that expensive if I carried my own." They're still risking their necks to get it to you, so they're going to expect you to pay what their neck is worth. It's not ridiculous, nor is it unfair. It's just the price you pay to have other people do your grunt work.

That directly contradicts what I see in-game. I can drop the pieces of paper on the floor, enter workshop mode, and scrap them, and I'll instantly get the materials. I'm the one transporting the materials, not some random dude with a two-headed cow.

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The key word that you're missing is "shipment." You're getting supplies shipped to you. Some poor schmuck has to take your one hundred units of steel, strap it to a two-headed cow and then herd that cow across a raider-infested wasteland to get to your settlement because you didn't want to pick up and carry the scrap that is abundantly available for free throughout the commonwealth. Hell yeah they charge for it, hell no they don't care that it's "just fertilizer" or "wouldn't be that expensive if I carried my own." They're still risking their necks to get it to you, so they're going to expect you to pay what their neck is worth. It's not ridiculous, nor is it unfair. It's just the price you pay to have other people do your grunt work.

Also, I can assign one of my settlers to a supply line, and they will do essentially the same task, for free. So that logic is shot.


EDIT: Besides, suppose, for a minute, that the merchant doesn't actually have the materials for sale at that moment (because if they did, why not just sell yo those instead). How did the merchant get the few supplies they do have? They obviously have to use supply trains, even for those!


So it's not like these supply trains aren't doing any MORE work than they're already doing! So, shouldn't even the existing supplies be as expensive as the shipments, since they're relying on supply trains anyway?!

Edited by stebbinsd
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