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level cap increase


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I hate the idea of a limited level cap - there's so much to see & do I don't want to have maxed the levelling & still have plenty left to experience - taking a key reward moment out of a game as diverse & lengthy as this doesn't make sense to me.


Is it possible to increase the level cap to say 70 or 80 ?

Edited by Rowland1
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There is no direct level cap, but the level cap is dictated by what level you're at when you reach skill 100 in everything - or so I'm lead to believe.



I've just read on the Bethesda forum that folks think that the leveling cap is 80 & the perk cap is 50...


is this true ?

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Perk cap of 50? Now thats not true. On char level 50 i found that mod to modify the perk´s per level, set it up to 10..and leveled up to 55 after that..still could use all the gained perks.


Edit : But my game is still at version 1.1, perhaps it got changed at later patches? Dunno

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The "soft-cap" for the game is 50, by which they mean that levelling slows down at that point. In practice, I didn't notice this effect till high 50s, at which point it began crawling.

The legitimate "hard-cap" is lvl 81, which is reached when all skills are 100. However, if the player wishes to raise their level higher than that there are two methods, both of which use the console:



1. player.setlevel xyz - Where xyz is desired level. The player will NOT get the magicka/health/stamina increase, but enemies in the world will scale as appropriate.

2. player.setav smithing 1

player.advskill smithing 1000000 - What this does is reset the player's smithing skill (any skill may be substituted) to 1 without affecting player level, then increases it back to 100, gaining more skill xp and advancing in more levels. I have no idea how high the player could go with this method, but the player will be able to increase stats at level up.


Truth be told, I cannot see why anyone would need to be that high. I reached low 60s, with the game on Master diff, used an average bow and forsworn armour and still faced little real challenge.

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