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An...Odd Issue. Crashing when entering exterior, with a catch...


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TL;DR at the bottom.

So, as you can read by the title, I crash when entering any exterior cell.

I've done my google research, and I'm not going to bother posting my load order here right away, and I'll explain why after this little anecdote for context.

Originally I had Skyrim installed on my C drive. Uninstalled, months later re-installed to my 'Z' Drive.

Mods were still installing to my C drive, as I came to realize when attempting to mod Skyrim, I moved the files from the Data folder and everything was working very well--no crashes or anything--except for one issue: There was bad FPS stutter. I have around 160 or so mods at that point in time, and I've learned that the engine can support up to 255 plugins (or thereabouts?)

To fix the FPS stutter I started disabling mods to try to find the culprit (Note: I also installed texture mods and that sort of thing, the ones that don't show up in the mod list. Quite a few, some of them I had to say 'no' to replacing textures from the other ones, that sort of thing.)

Inevitably, things went awry. My game suddenly started CTDing, and it was taking me ages trying to figure out which mod was causing it (this was after using LOOT, mind you.)

With no success, I learned of Mod Organizer, and Mod Organizer is a metaphorical godsend. It seemed to fix my CTDing issues! I was getting to the main menu fine now.

Only I then discovered that even with the proper load order my game would crash whenever I tried to 'continue' or load a game in the Sleeping Giant Inn (or any other, but this was the game I was currently running.)


So I disabled a bunch of the mods despite no errors from Mod Organizer, and...voila, things seemed to be fine with approximately the first quarter or so of my mods installed.

Then, I tried to walk outside.

At first with the mods all enabled I would enter the exterior cell and immediately crash during the loading screen (I waited until all plugins and such were loaded in inside the tavern, and I got the pre-load plugin for SKSE and crash fix mods.)

I disabled more than half of them again and managed to get outside. The oddest part about this: It ran perfectly when outside. 60fps, no stutter, no lag, no visible glitching textures, Realistic Water was running perfectly on the river as was Vivid Weathers--there were visibly no issues whatsoever in gameplay.

Then I enabled a few mods, it was still working...A couple more, and the crashes came back--only these ones happened after being outside for a few seconds.

So then I disabled one mod. And when I say 'one' mod, I don't mean a specific mod. Here's where it gets stranger and why I'm not posting my load order.

Currently, I have X amount of mods enabled and can step outside without any sort of issue in the gameplay.

If I enable a single mod. Any mod from the list, from the most simple mods there are, my game crashes after entering an exterior. It doesn't matter if it's a graphics mod, a companion mod found across the map or an NPC mod, or a weapon or armor, boom. Crash. No fps stutter or anything of the sort, just a crash.

So while originally I thought it must have to do with texture mods or graphic mods causing it, the fact that I have no FPS issues while in the exterior when it's working leads me to believe otherwise--I see no issues graphically when walking around, etcetera.

Next I figured maybe it was a memory issue, so I attempted to do the skse.ini fix and gave it 6GB of memory. That didn't work, so I gave it 8GB. (My PC has 12GB of ram, for reference.) While the loading screens seemed a tad faster, the crashes remained with no different in the amount of time it took or anything, and all that it takes is enabling any random mod from my list.

Mod organizer says that I have 200 mods installed based on the 'priority' count on the last one. While 200 is still well below the '255' cap that I've heard of, I don't have even half of the 200 mods enabled right now. I'd say 50-60 are enabled at best scrolling through my list.

So. Any ideas would be appreciated. While I was dreadfully aware that I might have to reinstall if it was an issue with the texture mods, as I said, my experience while outdoors implies that it doesn't have to do with that, especially since enabling any random mod causes this to happen.

Thoughts? Thank you!

TL;DR My game crashes when loading any exterior cell if I enable a single additional mod on top of the mods I currently have enabled, and it can be any mod of any kind. If I disable any of the mods I have enabled currently and replace them with that number of mods +1, it still crashes.

EDIT: To clarify, any amount of mods while inside the Sleeping Giant Inn (or qaqsmoke as I tested) has no crashes, fps stutter or issues whatsoever. All non-conflicting mods from my 200 plugin load list can be enabled and it functions flawlessly until the moment that I step outside.

Edited by Rakaesa
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