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Greybeards Robes


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Im not sure if anyone else thought the Greybeards Robes were cool - but when the CS comes out Im totally making a greaybeard robe set with padding underneath - we shall call it light armor - for my new Monk Kajeet who will be following the Way of the Voice. This guy is going to specialize in UA and live on shout abilities as "monk" abilities - although he will take Archery for a pinch, Im not having him use any melee weapons and trying to limit archery.


I know, Im insane.


Well, I played it through with a male Breton Bladesinger(Spellsword), a male Redguard Thief/Assassin (dual wield) and a female Warrioress (sword&shield) SO.....

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But..the shouts don't do damage. =/


He could utilise the shouts dragons seem to use ingame. When a user takes the command PSB (Populate Spell Book) in the console, it is in fact possible to use these flame and ice shouts the same way they're being used by their respective dragonraces. Furthermore he could go asfar as to create his own shouts with the Construction Kit, which could do as much damage as is to his liking.

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