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Do ore veins scale?


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Simple enough question... my character is level 30 now, and I'm avoiding buying anything from the suppliers to level up my smithing / chanting / alchemy. He will be zomg powerful one day, but it will take a bit longer to get there.


But do the ore veins scale? Rarely do I ever see even a malachite one. And nothing as far as ebony goes.

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Unfortunatly they don't, wich makes some ores quite hard to find, mainly ebony, I was like "meh whatever" and bought ingots from merchants, also you can just buy iron ingots and just make iron daggers, it levels smithing pretty fast and when you are high level enough to make Daedric armor you are all set (Daedric armor is stronger than Dragon armor even tough it's lower level to make)
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The higher-level ores seem to be found in out-of-the-way places and at higher altitudes. It's much better to buy the ebony, quicksilver, moonstone, and malachite. It's also quicker and easier. Oddly enough, the smiths have no issues finding the stuff. Lucky for us!


I did find the ebony ingots at what I thought was a far lower level than I though I should have. Seemed Belethor and his ilk (the generic traders) seemed to have a bar every time I'd swing by after about level 18 or so. So I'd buy them when I found them and had a stockpile when it came time to build my Daedric stuff. I think it was about level 18. I could be wrong. :mellow:

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The higher-level ores seem to be found in out-of-the-way places and at higher altitudes. It's much better to buy the ebony, quicksilver, moonstone, and malachite. It's also quicker and easier. Oddly enough, the smiths have no issues finding the stuff. Lucky for us!


I did find the ebony ingots at what I thought was a far lower level than I though I should have. Seemed Belethor and his ilk (the generic traders) seemed to have a bar every time I'd swing by after about level 18 or so. So I'd buy them when I found them and had a stockpile when it came time to build my Daedric stuff. I think it was about level 18. I could be wrong. :mellow:


I found Ebony at level 10 on the way to Riften, there is a settlement that has a Mine with Ebony


here it is if you want the location



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Thanks guys. I did have one character where I just would buy the iron ingot and leather from them, then wait 24 hours and do it again. Could level up smithing to 100 in like 20 minutes lol.


On this one I was trying to be a bit more 'legit' and find it all myself, either from bandits or ore veins. I'll try searching the higher altitudes. IMO, that's how it SHOULD be, hard to get materials for the more awesome sets of armor. But I can see both ways why Beth wants to just hand you everything at the start of the game and let you choose what to do.

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As everyone else said, ores do not scale with level and are found in set locations. That's why you see a lot more iron and corundum mines and less malachite, gold, moonstone and ebony mines. Just skim the mountains and edges of the map, it is where most of the decent mines can be found from my experience. You can also buy a bunch of ingots from blacksmiths if you've got the money and time to travel :ninja:
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  • 4 years later...

I found this when trying to see if the gems you find in ore veins scale, because I used an exploit to get to level 80 by grinding off of the tutorial guider, for me it was the imperial guy Hadvar or whatever, and when I mined the iron ore in Bleak Falls Barrow, I found a flawless diamond. Was I just incredibly lucky, or do the gems scale?

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Nice necro of a 5 year old dead thread.... Please see the Terms of Service for the rules on this. Thank you.



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To answer your question:


Gems are on a leveled list which scales with the player's level. Ore itself does not scale. However, there are mods that increase how much ore you can gain. Some are with insanely high amounts and some are more "realistic" in their approach.

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Or visit Raven Rock ... For some reason the loot tables over there are insane! The ash zombies especially are like ore/gem pinatas. Plus thee is an Ebony mine you can ransack. And pretty much every crate, barrel, sack and chest has tonnes of loot, way more than on the Skyrim mainland.

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