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weapons land in the air?


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Are you using either Growlf's Universal Skeleton Nif or killermonkey99's BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton (which as the title suggests is based on Growlf's skeleton). When I first started using the BBB Ragdoll skeleton (I had been using Coronerras' Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons before that) and was going through some issues with the early versions I did a lot of reading through Growlf's mod's comments. After one of his recent versions (around version 1.4 or 1.5 if memory serves) I saw a couple of comments concerning some weird effects like you're describing. I have on occasion seen them myself ... a mace floating in the air with the dead bandit laying there, and when you check the bandit's inventory the mace shows up in it as if they had the mace holstered at their hip. The other anomaly I've seen is when using a spell with a 1 sec paralyze (plus fire, frost or shock damage) the weapon remains suspended in the air when the bandit drops from the paralyze effect, and then it springs back to their hand as they stand back up (and if it's a killing strike it will stay in their hand and drop as normal if the death blow is instantaneous but will remain suspended until they die if death comes from an effect over time like a poison or elemental damage lasting a few seconds). Finally I've noticed some kills that send the bandit's body flying, sometimes quite a distance, as though they had a spring attached back to a point of origin.


I never did see an answer to the question about it raised on Growlf's mod page, and I'm not sure he's doing any more work on that skeleton. The only changes killermonkey99 made were to add the BBB ragdoll effects to the latest Growlf skeleton.

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Interesting, I use the Growlfs Ragdoll skeleton and haven't had any issues with weapons floating, though sometimes I get bizarre effects when NPCs die, especially if its something other than just bashing them with a weapon.


Memorably, I came across an Imperial Forrester apparently just...frozen. She just stood there near a river, unmoving, and I couldn't interact with her at all. I console-killed her, her body flew backwards about 20 feet, but her bow dropped straight to the ground where she was standing.

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If you are using the ragdoll skeleton and are unwilling to give up the ragdoll effect (that would be me) you will learn to live with it (unless Nephenee13 is right, which is a possibility). If you are using the 'plain' Growlf skeleton just to get BBB then switch to the Coronerra skeleton. I have done some testing back when I first noticed this issue, and changing back to the Coronerra skeleton eliminated the problem as far as I could tell. The downside to using the Coronerra skeleton is it's a much older skeleton, so you may find some recent mods that won't work with it as well as they will with the Growlf's skeleton.


My best 'bandit launch' (actually it was a marauder) was at the top of the hill on the road overlooking Sercen. The marauder who had been chasing me up the road flew all the way back to the door to Sercen (now that was a stiff upper-cut ... naw I wasn't going hand to hand, but would have been cool). She just didn't know who she was dealing with.

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I never noticed it until I started using the later versions of the ragdoll skeleton (that were based on the later versions of Growlf's, as the latest versions of each happened around the same time).


As an experiment, make a custom spell with a 1 second paralyze and a few seconds fire damage (considering you'll be stuck with it in your spell list go 'all Striker' on it, the full meal deal is 1 second paralyze, fire damage y points for x seconds, 100% weakness to fire for x seconds and 100% weakness to magic for x + 1, 2 or 3 seconds, more if you can afford it ... make sure weakness to magic is at the bottom of the list and balance the value to x so that you can cast two or three casts in a row so that you get 'stacking' on the weakness to magic). When you hit a bandit with the spell that is holding a mace or sword (haven't seen this effect on an archer bandit) see if their weapon suspends for a second and then snaps back to their hand as they stand up. If it's a killing cast you should see the weapon suspend while they die (the game engine must calculate that they won't survive the hit, so they generally stay down, unless you create the spell with a very small fire damage over a very long time perhaps). You could also see the same effect if you use poison arrows with a paralyze effect (the paralyze effect will be longer).


Aren't those ramps fun?? Not sure how many weapons and staffs I've lost that way.

Edited by Striker879
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Aren't those ramps fun?? Not sure how many weapons and staffs I've lost that way.


Hah, no kidding.


Though my favorite is killing boars on hills (the roads near Skingrad, a few other places). If you want that boar meat, you're gonna have to run to catch up!


Anyway, my current character doesn't have access to spell crafting yet, but as I said, I'll keep a lookout and try some things out to see if I can replicate it.

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The paralyze poison arrow should do the trick. I'll confirm in my game and report back when I next get a chance to play (someone hasn't started their Christmas shopping yet).


Now to fully hi-jack the thread ... quite some time ago there was a post about sending things down cliffs (Colovian Cliff Diving if I remember correctly). At the time I thought boars would be the perfect 'item' to send tumbling (they have bounce ... capital B), but alas, you won't find boars in the really good launching areas. I thought of getting one to chase me to a good spot, but those pesky Legion riders always come 'save the day' before I could get anywhere even close. Someday I'll make a little 'fun-time' mod that puts a supply of boars next to a good launch pad. Some big fire ball spells and then play 'This little piggy'.


- Edit - Have you run into Will-o-the-Wisps yet? Their glow dust is like chasing mercury down a stairway.

Edited by Striker879
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