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weapons land in the air?


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- Edit - Have you run into Will-o-the-Wisps yet? Their glow dust is like chasing mercury down a stairway.


Hah! Yeah. Especially once you install Unique Landscapes and have tall grass and foliage everywhere.


As for launching stuff off cliffs, I'm reminded of several Skyrim videos involving cheese. (what is it with Skyrim and Cheese?)

Edited by Nephenee13
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I have confirmed that a poison of paralysis (either vanilla or one you mix up yourself) will show the weapon suspended in mid air while the paralyze effect is active, but only with blades and blunts (bows are unaffected). I delivered the poison with a bow myself, but I'm sure you'd see the same delivering the poison with a blade or blunt. I play in 1st person, and I didn't test in 3rd person (I would probably not be able to hit anything with the bow in 3rd person).


If you are looking to test this yourself, but don't have any paralyze poison, you can give yourself some via the console with 'player.additem 98484 x' (with x being how many you want).

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