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First off, Moredhel, there are few people whose pictures you could have posted which would make my blood bloil even more... That man... He... ugh... I hope he dies. I really, really do. And painfully. "The bedrock is slightly radioactive here! Dur, there must have been an alien nuclear reactor on this spot!"... How about the fact the entire province has a high level of background radiation because of an abundance of radon gass? ugh...


Anywho, onto the point. The Argonians, by our best explination, were created by the Hist. From what, we don't know. Theres a story that the Khajit were created by Azura from Elves (Which would explain why they are so affected by lunar cycles), so it's possible the Hist used an extant race as a basis for the Argonians as well. If they were created from Elven settlers in Blackmarsh, it makes sense they maintained some traits.


I do agree, however, that i miss the digitgrade legs. It added so much more character to them...

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First off, Moredhel, there are few people whose pictures you could have posted which would make my blood bloil even more... That man... He... ugh... I hope he dies. I really, really do. And painfully. "The bedrock is slightly radioactive here! Dur, there must have been an alien nuclear reactor on this spot!"... How about the fact the entire province has a high level of background radiation because of an abundance of radon gass? ugh...


Anywho, onto the point. The Argonians, by our best explination, were created by the Hist. From what, we don't know. Theres a story that the Khajit were created by Azura from Elves (Which would explain why they are so affected by lunar cycles), so it's possible the Hist used an extant race as a basis for the Argonians as well. If they were created from Elven settlers in Blackmarsh, it makes sense they maintained some traits.


I do agree, however, that i miss the digitgrade legs. It added so much more character to them...

Hehe, well I only know him from the meme, and his head simply makes me lol every time I see it :D Afaik he's known for his "aliens" punchline and I thought it would be funny to change that to "Argonians", since they're the most alien race in Skyrim!


edit: and yes I also miss their typical walk we saw in Morrowind :(

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As an Archaeologist, he and others like him (Zacheria Stitchen, Erich von Daniken, Laurence Gardner etc) are the bane of my existance. They completely ignore the propensity for human acomplishment and the value of ancient cultures in favor of a 'We couldn't do it today, so it must be aliens' train of thought. It is completely absurd and ignores hundreds of well documented facts.


But thats the boiling blood talking, and dragging us off topic...

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As an Archaeologist, he and others like him (Zacheria Stitchen, Erich von Daniken, Laurence Gardner etc) are the bane of my existance. They completely ignore the propensity for human acomplishment and the value of ancient cultures in favor of a 'We couldn't do it today, so it must be aliens' train of thought. It is completely absurd and ignores hundreds of well documented facts.


But thats the boiling blood talking, and dragging us off topic...

Dude, I'm jealous. As a kid I wanted to either be an archaelogist or a paleontologist... and you ARE one! I'm a librarian now, also fun, but I reckon way less fun than your job :(


Ok, back ontopic people!

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I do actually remember talking to Deeja on the Solitude docks and she gives me lip about talking to her egg-brother (assuming she means Jaree-Ra) and not herself. So we know eggs are involved :D


They do come from eggs. They refer to their young as hatchlings. As for the rest...


Well, let's see, lizard IRL do not have mammary glands. They also do not have gills. They are air-breathers exclusively. Amphibious, yes, but no gills. On the other hand, Argonians are both air- and water-breathing.


Lizards IRL are descended from a natural evolution. Argonians, on the other hand, are creations of an ancient plant-based intelligence (the Hist). Argonians are actually closer to trees than reptiles.


They are "The People of the Root" - as in tree, NOT reptile.


See: Ancient Tales of the Dwemer, Pt II - The Seed


"You must understand that to my people, the Hist are where we come from and where we are going. To destroy our bodies is nothing; to destroy our trees is to annihilate us utterly."

"Few of us are strong enough to live away from our ancestral groves..."


see also: http://uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Argonian

Edited by Susurruss
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