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Nexus Mod manager keeps giving this error message


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I have downloaded and uninstalled Nexus Mod Manager several times because of the same error message any time I try to open it to Skyrim (Fallout 4 works fine). The error message is "unable to get write permission for c:\games\nexus mod manager\skyrim\install info. This has prevented me from installing any but the simplest mods (that can be installed manually). PLEASE HELP!



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have you tried launching the mod manager as administrator? make sure the mod manager paths are right.

Thank you for your response. I will open it as administrator. i don't know the mod manager paths you reference. Could you share those with me?



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when you first install NMM it asks you to give the game paths and some other patch make sure they are right. Mine are obviously different from yours it depends on where you installed the game.

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Are you running Two Nexus Mod Managers (Legacy & New One) cus if one using that directory all ready you get a problem.


Change the appropriate directories to Nexus Mod Manager or Nexus Mod Managers Legacy & you'll be fine


c:\games\nexus mod manager newone\skyrim\install info.


c:\games\nexus mod manager legacy\skyrim\install info.


depending on wat your installing so the old one doesn't lose it install info.


or just change directory to something you like, & it will install.


c:\games\nexus mod manager\SkyrimDataFolder\install info


c:\games\nexus mod manager\SkyrimVirtualFolder\install info


When Installing something, anything & you get this Error running as Admin doesn't help, since that not problem, just change directory. Problem solved. Windows won't let two programs even As Admin use same Directories, That just doesn't fly Kiddies. Handy to know when doing multiple install of anything.

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