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Can't figure out how to make a specific custom misc item

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The specific item I want to make is a photograph.


I would like to take the Marowaski photo/s mesh/material/texture and simply make a new object that the player can pick up and look at in their inventory and see the image on it.


I have been trying to get this to work for months, and failed several times. I am all out of ideas.


I know I need to use low poly object texture/nif for the world model, and high poly object texture/nif for the inventory item. I know how to edit the .nif to change the material property. I know how to make the textures.

I know how to edit objects in the CK and make unique form ID etc etc etc. It should be pretty easy. It should 'all just work'. But I cannot get this to work at all.


I REALLY need help, as this object, and this premise of 'player looks at photo and sees where to go next' is an important part of the mod I am making.


hope you guys can think of a way for me to get this to work.

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Raff there is a misc (junk) picture frame in game that the player can already pick up. I'm not on my gaming PC to look up the form for you but, You should be able to use that and retexture it.


You could then turn it into a featured item if you needed it to be important.

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Hi Chuck. If it is in a picture frame, it might not work for my needs. I want the player to follow a paper trail, so to speak. With photos that guide the player to locations. It would just be odd to have these photos framed each time.

The problem with the Marowaski (and Silver Shroud) photos, is that for one "book" object there are so many different other files being used - mutiple nifs, multiple materials, multiple textures. And when I try to reassign them all to work with my new texture, I end up with either an invisible object or a purple object. It's bloody weird.

I will see if this picture frame can have its nif replaced with the photo, and like you said then just give it the 'featured item' keyword.


Does the featured item keyword change where the item is stored in the player's inventory? I know it gives the on-screen view when picked up, to let the player know it is a significant item, but I have always wondered how to make a junk item appear in another category.


Cheers mate



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If you have Nuka World check out the park pamphlet. It uses the camera which lets you inspect it close up which is probably pretty much what you want.

Check the screenshots you can see a preview and the paths for nif and texture. The pamphlets are possible to viewed multiple times as well.


If you use the pamphlet by just copying it you should not have to dig to much into it as it should pretty much copy the needed properties.


Here is a quick video to illustrate what I mean:


  Reveal hidden contents



And here are the screenshots:


  Reveal hidden contents



A material swap of the original diffuse texture on the original mesh should be all you would need to do to get what you want, unless I've misunderstood what you want to do.

Good luck!

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  On 10/26/2016 at 12:23 PM, chucksteel said:

Raff setting an object to featured item does move it from junk to Misc.


Ok. Got it. :)


  On 10/26/2016 at 11:40 AM, kingtobbe said:

If you have Nuka World check out the park pamphlet. It uses the camera which lets you inspect it close up which is probably pretty much what you want.

Check the screenshots you can see a preview and the paths for nif and texture. The pamphlets are possible to viewed multiple times as well.


If you use the pamphlet by just copying it you should not have to dig to much into it as it should pretty much copy the needed properties.


A material swap of the original diffuse texture on the original mesh should be all you would need to do to get what you want, unless I've misunderstood what you want to do.

Good luck!


Hi, Kingtobbe - I do have NukaWorld, and that could totally work. Great idea, and thank you very much for taking the time to create/post that video and make those screenshots. I really appreciate it. Will post an update if I get it working. :) Thanks again, my friend!

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No worries, was in-front of my PC reading the forums which almost never happen, usually browse on the phone and are unable to give a proper replies due to faulty memory or lazyness :smile:


Let me know if you need any other help! I'm pretty new to the author side of the modding equation, but have a pretty good grasp of what assets exist and have decompiled most compiled stuff like fuz and swf to more useful formats. Spent way too much time digging through it all than any sane and sober person could imagine.

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