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Merging similar mods. How ?


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So yeah, I've been looking everywhere and all I found on FO4 merges, was Eli's little guide for litlle mods.


But me, I've got more armor/clothing mods that I can count, about 50 weapon mods, too many 4k retextures and, well, you get it, tons of mods that should be "mergeable" together...


Like I said previously, only know how to merge very little mods on FO4, I've briefly read guides about the ones I want for previous games, but I've been told that they don't apply for FO4.


So, if someone could explain it all to me, point me to a relevant guide, or even give me small tips, I'd be infinitely grateful !


I can't give you a load order (changed pc, have all the mods in my favorites [yeah, at least 500 mods I'll have to download/install]and some on USB), but since we're not really doing specifics, it shouldn't be a problem.


Thanks for whoever takes some of their time for me !

Edited by Spartan092
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