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Looking for a team: Oblivion Walkers


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I have almost no skill with the creation kit, but am currently learning (slowly).

I also know what I want this mod to look like and am currently writing as much as possible on it.

Currently I am writing what the main quest of the mod would be, then I will start working on writing side quests.

At that point I am going to want a team that will be able to help make this mod a reality.


Now, what is this mod?

So far I am thinking of calling it Oblivion Walkers.

It allows the player to join a faction called, you guessed it, the Oblivion Walkers who research the Realms of Oblivion.

There are 15 other members, each specializing in a Daedric Realm.

You get recruited to become the specialist for the Shivering Isles, but first need to find a way to open a portal to that realm.

But, you can also explore 15 realms of Oblivion, one for each of the other Daedric Princes.


It will be a while before I actually need help with this mod as I still need to finish writing enough first, but this is an idea I have and if anyone is interested in helping, I would appreciate it.

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