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[LE] Searching for a compiler!

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I recently finished these two follow up swords:



However I lack the time to compile/get them into the game, so if anyone feels up to get these compiled into Skyrim then feel free to hit me up via a PM or so!

Edited by RafaelDeJongh
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Compile them? I know how to compile code but not weapons. What game is this for?


The game in question would be Skyrim might have to mention that in the main thread. With compile I mean just getting it working in-game. "Compiling" as a term is used mostly for games where you tend to convert a model format that can be read by your 3D program to a format (sometimes with instructions) that can be read by your game engine.


Example: MDL + QC => SMD (for the source engine).

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Oh, I just call it converting or porting :smile: Now I know.


Putting the model in game is not so bad. I do not have the time, but you will want to export your model as a Nif for whoever does have time. It will make it easier :smile:


Depending on how you see it, it might be called that way, being an old modder myself I tend to use rather old terms for things that might have gotten a different name by now.


While I do know the process of getting everything in-game (from my previous releases) as mentioned I just lack the time to perform these steps and that's why I'm reaching out to this community in hopes that someone could assist me with it.


I would deliver the model files as OBJ's and the textures as TGA's so converting the textures to DDS and the OBJ to NIF, to then setting everything up in the actual nif file (creating the blood/decals/effects) etc would then still be required.


So yea if you do know anyone who's fit for the job, feel free to link this thread!

Edited by RafaelDeJongh
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Nice looking swords.


If you have even a tiny bit of Creation Kit experience, you should watch this tutorial and try to do it yourself. Weapons are really simple to do. For how long it must have taken to make and texture the swords, surely it's worth the 10 minutes to get it in the game.


As mentioned I do not have the time to get these in games. I know the whole procedure myself but with my busy schedule. It's not really something I would be able to make time for, hence this thread in search for someone to do it.

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