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Need some help, constant crashing.


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Here's my load order: http://i.imgur.com/HfPZfEM.png

Hey guys, I'm really into the game, and have been playing around trying to find the right mod config for me. I use FOMM. I've had no issues using mods the past week, but since yesterday my game constantly freezes, sometimes before even before loading my last save.

I figure this must be because of a particular mod I've added or removed. I really don't know, I attatched my load order. If anyone here can help me out I'd really appreciate it.

The most recent mods I've added are ILO, YUP, Weapon retexture and Weap. Mod Exp. I can post a mod list if that helps.

If worse comes to worse, do I do a full reinstall? And just slowly add back mods I want to use?

Edited by TeeMillus
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guys this isn't a mod issues, I am having the same thing even after I turned off all my mods. From what I understand, if you have windows 10, the anniversary update that happened about a month ago created issues with the drivers. Some people with Nvidia reported rolling back the drivers helped, but I have had no such luck and I am AMD. The issues is something to do with the memory when it launches.

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guys this isn't a mod issues, I am having the same thing even after I turned off all my mods. From what I understand, if you have windows 10, the anniversary update that happened about a month ago created issues with the drivers. Some people with Nvidia reported rolling back the drivers helped, but I have had no such luck and I am AMD. The issues is something to do with the memory when it launches.

Please, do not hijack topics. Make your own.


Also, see this: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/53635/? Read the description and posts.

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