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Welcome to the discussion thread for Transcendence: An Elder Scrolls/Forgotten Realms Crossover. Here, roleplayers may post their character sheets, put up pics of their characters, discuss the RP, and handle any other OOC (out of character) business.


*There should be no OOC posts in the RP thread itself.*


Transcendence is a continuation of a story begun in "The Tall Tales and Tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn," found here. If newcomers wish to catch up on our characters and/or better understand the current situation, they are advised to read (or, at least, skim) the Chattering Scroll.


Also, here are some general guidelines that should be followed when posting in Transcendence, originally made by Lisnpuppy.


OK this is a copy/paste of some guidelines I made up in a MMO I was doing. Not all applies to forum RP but I thought this could help us and for the future. These are not written in stone and can be discussed. Also the relationship RP stuff is really more MMO for long term RP (I have been RPing with some people for 2-3 years now.) Anyway if you have questions let me know.



1) Have fun. If you are doing something, . If you are finding yourself always irritated or unhappy...then why are you here. Figure out the issue (and you know, it MAY just be you *grin*) or go do something else.


2) Never, ever forget the line between RP In Character and Out of Character and don't cross it. It is easy..especially when you have particularly intense RP to take things personally. Don't....99% of the time it isn't all about you. Even in times when perhaps (say guildies) you are Rping with someone you do not care for OOC....don't try to put over every single roleplay they engage with you...that its personal. Chances are very good it isn't. So take a time out, step out of the RP or communicate your issues OOC.


3) Start with a well made character. Have a decent background and personality to make your RP more fun and easier. Your character doesn't have to be set in stone. But having a solidly made character is important or your RP may peeter out. Have your character have likes/dislikes, goals, dreams, an arch-enemy....this will help you flesh them out even more and bring them to life.


4) Relationship RP should be the ICING not the CAKE! I am sure we all have (or will) have our characters involved in an IC relationship. However...if you make the mistake of building all your RP around this person then you won't have anything you can do with anyone else or when your RP partner is not online. Make it a side-quest if you will...not the main one.


5) You have to give a little to get a little. We all have RP storylines in which we want others to engage. That is what makes it fun, right? But if you find a friend knee-deep in a RP of their own..don't come in and hijack the RP for yourself...or refuse to participate because its not all about YOU. Have fun and throw your lot in with them! Trust me...when your time comes around...people will remember that you play well with others. Otherwise...be willing to face a lot of folks disappearing when you have something you wish to do.


6) Don't be a MaryJane! I have to admit in the games I play I am not a lore-nerd....so I don't always get it right. But don't decide that you are going to be a half-dragon or the long-lost illegitimate son of the King of Whoville. It doesn't work, it probably isn't in the lore anywhere...and it will lead only to your RP downfall. Eventually your “special” character will begin to dominate everyone else and their RP. No one will want to play with you...so make your character special in other ways.


7) No godmoding!! Remember..you only control YOUR character and not others. When you RP try not to take over the actions of other Rpers.


For example: Jon casts a frostbolt at Matt knocking him back into the wall and breaking his arms.


Instead try: Jon cast a frostbolt hoping to hit Matt and knocking him out of the way.


This allows the other player to take action. You can have decided before hand how this will go out. You can roll to see what actions happen or how bad an injury is (I am sure there will be others writing about RP fighting and the like somewhere else *hinthint*. Just remember...if you don't leave a way for the other person to respond...it isn't RP and you will find yourself bored quickly.


Soap Opera-ing. Many of us have wanted to play are character as crazy, a totally badass or having an illness or amnesia. That can all be valid and fun stories. The doom is in taking it too far or too long. These kind of stories ultimately leave little RP options for those around you. Always have movement and a goal in your RP...otherwise it goes nowhere.


9) Be willing to RP with anyone, anytime. Just because you are in a guild or Rping with a friend doesn't mean you can't include others. Walk-Up RP can lead to great things...or simply pass the time for a bit. If others don't RP EXACTLY like you...no sweat. Perhaps they are new and need some gentle guidance. So be open to everything!


10) Communication is the key. Always establish your RP boundaries when you are Rping with someone long-term. If you don't like swearing...or a particular kind of violence...or if you will take anything coming down the pike! Let others know. It avoids awkward and unpleasant conversations later.


These guidelines won't be too strictly enforced unless a serious problem arises, but please keep them in mind.


Additionally, it is important (not to mention courteous) to take turns posting. If you are waiting on a roleplayer to interact with you, and they have not posted in a few days, PM them...they may be busy or may have simply forgotten that it was his or her turn to post. Please be considerate. :)


Welcome to the RP, and have fun! Whenever you're ready to post, just head on over here.

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NAME: Rhaine Alcinea


RACE: Half-Elf (Forgotten Realms D&D)


AGE: 132 (looks roughly 20-25 years old)


HEIGHT: 5'6''


CLASS: Paladin/Favored Soul/Doomguide (essentially a powerful war cleric)


DEITY: Kelemvor, the Forgotten Realms Lord of the Dead. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Kelemvor


ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral


APPEARANCE: Rhaine is petite in build, with a slight frame. However, what she lacks in strength, she makes up for in speed and dexterity. She moves with the lithe grace of a panther.


Rhaine has long, waist-length auburn hair that almost completely covers her pointed, elven ears. Her eyes are a brilliant emerald, glowing softly whenever she casts spells. She possesses a smooth, pale cream complexion, with high cheekbones, an angular jaw, and a sharp nose. Her lips are naturally a dark crimson.


A pair of magnificent, raven-black wings spring from between her shoulder blades, shimmering with a green iridescence.


CLOTHING: Rhaine's everyday wear is a set of dark brown and black robes, belted at the waist with a golden sash. Her black cowl frames her face around her chin and in front of her ears, and is topped with a square hood. The robes are exquisitely embroidered in golden thread, right down to the toes of her matching shoes. The wrists, belt, and neck are embellished with emerald gems. Despite the extravagant look, they are ordinary wool, satin, and leather, and bear no enchantments.


ARMOR: When in battle, or expecting combat, Rhaine wears a suit of half plate armor...dark grey steel embossed and engraved with intricate designs and symbols. Cleverly designed slits in the backplate allow for her wings. Like her clothing, her armor is simply beautiful, unenchanted steel. She usually dons a dark cloak with her armor, the back of which is embroidered with the holy symbol of her god: a skeletal hand and forearm clasping the scales of justice.


EQUIPMENT: Rhaine's only weapon is her bastard sword, or hand-and-a-half sword. Slightly longer than a regular longsword, the hilt allows for one or two hands. Having trained with the weapon since her early teens, it is light as a feather to her, and she uses it as if it is an extension of her arm. As it is her deity's favored weapon, it bears strong magical enhancements to its blade, with special magics for destroying undead creatures. Its design is simple, with a straight steel blade and an ox-hide grip.


Rhaine also owns a black warhorse named Thanatos. (He looks a little like this: Friesian STOCK )


SKILLS: As a Doomguide, Rhaine is a priestess specializing in the destruction of undead creatures...the most unholy of abominations. Due to her god's dominion over the dead and hatred for these beings, Rhaine has special spells that are particularly potent against such adversaries. However, she also possesses various offensive spells effective against all enemies.


She is also an exceptional healer, with a rare gift of being able to raise the dead (although her use of this spell is extremely limited by the laws of the universe).


She is skilled in the use of a bastard sword. Unfortunately, this is the only weapon she knows how to wield.


Rhaine wears medium to heavy armor. She uses her spells to protect her to some extent, but she mostly relies on strong armor.


PERSONALITY: Rhaine is quiet by nature, and speaks in a smooth, soft voice. However, she is prone to stubbornness and has a hair-trigger temper on certain subjects. She tends to be removed from most situations, attempting to look at all events with a judge's careful eye. She is quite friendly, and loves socializing and laughing with others, but most people avoid her due to her often misunderstood profession. As such, she is used to being alone.


HISTORY: Rhaine was born on the Sword Coast of Faerun in the village of West Harbor. At the age of twelve, she joined the Church of Kelemvor, and it was during her paladin training that the priests discovered the mark of a Favored Soul upon her. She was instilled with the teachings of the Lord of the Dead...that she must honor the fallen, give last rites to the dying, offer comfort to the grieving, protect the weak, and seek out and destroy the undead and necromancers.


She grew to become a knight of the mighty city of Neverwinter, defeat the King of Shadows, end the curse of the Spirit Eater, and ultimately become a Chosen of Kelemvor. As a Chosen, she has been given a spark of immortality, effectively ending her aging. She now eternally acts as Kelemvor's hand in the world of mortals. However, despite her slight divinity, she can still be killed by magical or physical means.


One fateful day, Rhaine received a vision from Kelemvor...that she would be transported to the world of Nirn through a portal only the gods knew of, and that she must learn the people and history of that land. She did as she was told, enduring skepticism, criticism, fear, frustration, and anger to understand this new world.


Many months later, she was granted another visit from her patron. He told her that an undead threat festering in Tamriel would spill over into Toril and Faerun if it was not stopped. And so, her journey began...


In her travels, she has met the young Bosmer Reona, the Altmer runemage Ellundil, an elan soulknife named Kalin, and the half-drow called Kismet.




Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Very nice! Thank you so much for quoting what Lisnpuppy wrote! :thumbsup: Kudos for both of you. It's always really helpful to read nice guidelines like these especially when it is written by someone who was RP'ing for years now. :happy: So now by following them we can improve our RP'ing. Yay! :dance:

It will be really interesting to read this new adventure especially since it's Elder Scrolls/Forgotten Realms crossover. :happy:

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Name: Kalin "Kale" Orus


Race: Elan (Expanded Psionics D&D)


Age: 50 (70 if you count how long he's been around; he appears to be in his mid-twenties)


Height: 6'0"


Class: Soulknife/Pyrokineticist (a wielder of psychic blades & fire)


Deity: Lathandar (now Amaunator)


Alignment: Chaotic Good


Appearance: Kalin is tall with a deceptively slim build (he's quite strong in reality). He is very dextrous and quick, and moves as graceful as a panther.


Kalin has smooth, shoulder-length white hair, often held in a ponytail. His eyes are vibrant violet in color, which becomes stormy when he is angry. He has a pale complexion, and a plain yet handsome face. He has numerous scars on his chest, dealt by a demon that killed his family (he tries to hide them when he can).


Clothes: Kale's clothes are little more expensive than average, but are, in general, not "flashy." He wears a green silk shirt and brown vest, with a grey trenchcoat. He wears brown leather leggins and well-made boots. Kalin has a signet ring with his family's symbol, the only thing he has left from them.


Armor: Kalin wears a chainshirt made of mithral. It has enchantments that provide some protection from blows, and allows Kale to summon his armor completely donned. Also, it has a mild illusion spell on it, disguising his armor to look like his clothes (how he laughs when someone tries to gut him, only to watch their blade glance off).


Equipment: Kalin carries two adamantine sickles on his person that have some magic in them, but these are more for show (so people don't know about his true weapons). In true combat, Kalin uses his mindblades, two weapons summoned completely from his thoughts. Often many foes believed him to be unarmed, but are shocked when his blades appear from no where. These blades are powerful enough that they allow Kalin to fight demons, even the more powerful ones, and they possess an incredibly keen edge (they've been known to sunder lesser weapons). Skills: As a soulknife, Kalin is able to summon mindblades, throw them, and bind destructive psychic energy in them, which is released when the blades strike.


As a "pyro," he is able to summon a whip of fire, shoot bolts of fire, cause his weapons, his hands, even his body, to burn with searing flames, and is remarkably resilient to fire. A more rare ability of his (which he tries to avoid using) is the power to raise the body temperature of someone to the boiling point, causing a very painful death (hence his reluctance of its use).


Kalin is an accomplished weaponsmith, and is a master of his field.


He is also very adept at moving silently and hiding, knowing the merits of stealth.


He is skilled in a discipline called autohypnosis, which allows him to memorize non-magical writing and symbols, ignore the worst effects of poison, and even resist dying.


Kalin is also skilled at fighting with a weapon in each hand, utilizing his dexterity.


Kalin's metabolism is faster than a normal being's, so he heals twice as fast, even without rest.


As an elan, Kalin doesn't need much sleep, and doesn't need to eat or drink if he spends a moment to concentrate. Since he is no longer human, most spells that effect the mind have no effect on him.


Personality: Though he's capricious, Kalin has a generally pleasant personality, and enjoys talikng and laughing with others ( though he comes off as a little strange). When around women, he behaves as a gentleman, getting annoyed at others who lack proper respect. His sense of humor can be morbid at times, making dark jokes and puns sometimes( even in combat). He likes to be quiet sometimes, though, and gets irritated by interruptions of his thoughts. Kalin is hard to anger, but when he is, he tends to blow up (somtimes literally).


History: Kalin grew up in a rich human family on the Sword Coast, near the trade roads of Neverwinter. When he was twenty years old, Kalin had a fine future to look forward to, a good life, and was soon to be married to his childhood sweetheart. But then the demons came...


One night, when everyone was celebrating his engagement, demons attacked his home. They killed and burned everything in their path. Kalin tried to fight back, but he was terribly wounded, and could only watch as his beloved was torn apart. The following morning, a traveler passed by and saw the carnage. The stranger saw Kalin's deadly wounds, and so changed him into an elan, a psychic being, to save his life.


Kalin (Lord Kalin now, since his family was noble) learned to control his new powers, and later went on to kill the wizard who summoned the demons (a friend who betrayed him). With his loved ones avenged, Kalin wandered aimlessly, fighting for good like a paladin whenever he could, save in his own way.


The Wandering Years of Kalin Orus:


Kalin didn't really wander aimlessly. He fought... a lot, and has amassed a huge fortune (over 3 million in platinum, gold, and silver, kept in a Bag of Holding; he's not greedy, though; he donates a lot to churches and the needy). Kalin is a veteran of at least two wars. He has fought the undead alongside Kelemvor priests, and any time he had heard of demons, he hunted them down and sent them back to the Abyss. At one point during his travels, Kalin felt a calling by Lathandar. Kalin felt that he should do as Lathandar wanted, but he didn't feel worthy enough of the Morning Lord's gifts. However, he decided that he should still do his lord's will, but with his own abilities. Lathandar accepted this, so Kalin served as his agent for 20 years. One day, Kalin received a vision that a possessed Thayan wizard was going to activate a gate to the Abyss, hence how he ended up at his last quest.




On his latest quest, Kalin had discovered a Red Wizard trying to activate an ancient demon portal that would allow the foul outsiders to overrun Faerun. Kalin was dealt several wounds from the wizard's guards, but he managed to sabotage the portal. As it exploded, the magical energies carried him to Tamriel, dying and lost in the wilds.


During his travels in Tamriel, Kalin was saved by a small party of adventurers. In short time (due to his flowing emotions, when Kale makes friends, they're very deep bonds), he's become fast friends with them: Reona, a young Bosmer lady, Ellundil, a Bosmer runemage, Rhaine, a winged Half-elf Chosen of Kelemvor (To his surprise, Kalin has felt a close bond to Rhaine), and Kismet, a Drow from Menzobarranzan. Kalin's god, who is now Amaunator, has gifted him with a pair of dawn-colored wings in his short time in Tamriel, choosing him as His champion. Kelemvor has gifted him as well, with a mysterious dagger (he still has yet to learn its properties).

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NAME: Ellundil


RACE: High Elf


AGE: 560


HEIGHT: 6' 7"


CLASS: Rune-Master


APPEARANCE: Long, kept hair, dyed to a bleach white. It is partially kept out of his eyes by his silk headband. Though he is a tall elf, he still maintains a very lean, muscular build, well enough to handle himself to handle a bar-fight with two Orcs and a Nord. He has a massive tattoo that swirls and consumes his upper body- irradiating a slight blue. As if it were a rune embedded into his body. His eyes are soft and full of pain, containing memories that still torture his mind.


CLOTHING: Absolutely. No. Shirt. That would cut off his supply of magical energy- supplied by the rune.


ARMOR: Although he has no idea how to handle himself in heavy armor, he loves wearing a custom forged Dwarven Armor that has been dyed into a deep-black. Without a cuirass of course. No helmet either- he can't stand how it constricts his mind.


EQUIPMENT: An elegant elven blade- believed to be crafted in a very ancient paste- extending 4 feet in length. It has been enchanted over the years by many elven lords. The blade's name has been righteously named as, "Lithrandis" possibly meaning, in an old elven tongue, everlasting life. Other than that blade he likes to keep a tome of spells, a large collection of scrolls he has obtained from the libraries of his homeland, should he need the great power they behold.


SKILLS: Master of Blade and Destruction (and another skill unknown to others but Ellundil and of course me). Expert of Conjuration and Enchantment. Apprentice of Mysticism and Illusion. Complete Novice of heavy armor.


PERSONALITY: Keeps to himself, doesn't discuss his past. Is willing to travel with others, so as long as they dont ask too many questions.


HISTORY: Ellundil has told few if not none his dark story. And he is not willing to with just anyone. It would take a true-love, a true-companion, and a best friend to bring his history to the light of day.

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I regret to say that I am not sure when I will be able to post my character information. I have a few real-life things that are going on that keep me from being online often, and it seems whenever I log onto the computer, I am instantly flooded with steam conversations, text messages, and/or phone calls. I'll try my hardest to get it up as soon as I can, and I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.


Love, Kayla :3

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would, but I don't know how Kayla and Lisn feel. I'm not sure if they will be able to be active enough.


Perhaps if you just post once and then wait for a bit? I hate for the thread to remain empty.


You're good, too, in that your character is detached from the group right now.

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